More Than 70 Arrested As ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Marches On Times Square Amid Global Protests

Tens of thousands of Occupy Wall Street protesters, emboldened after plans to clean their encampment at Zuccotti Park were scrapped, crammed into the Crossroads of the World after marching on banks across Manhattan Saturday amid a series of rallies across the globe.

More than 70 people were arrested throughout the day, including 42 in Times Square, five for wearing masks on Sixth Avenue and 27th Street and 20 at a bank sit-in in the East Village, cops said.

A massive police presence lined Sixth Avenue as the protesters marched north from Washington Square Park. Despite warnings not to block pedestrian traffic, protesters poured into the street as the throngs who gathered screamed “Whose streets? Our streets!”

“This is a warning,” cops yelled. “You are blocking pedestrian traffic. If you keep blocking pedestrian traffic you will be arrested.”

But the protesters shot back: “We are pedestrian traffic. You’re blocking pedestrian traffic.”

So many demonstrators streamed down 46th Street, on their way to Times Square that several cops who were on motorcycle were forced to turned back.

“Take Times Square!” they said. Afterwards, cops on horseback and officers in riot gear flooded into the area, hemming the throngs in with barricades.

Around 7:30 p.m., the crowds started to disperse, with many people heading down to Washington Square Park for an “after party” and a meeting.

Tension rose after a group became stuck behind barricades at 47th Street and Seventh Avenue, and wanted to cross to the other Side of Times Square. But police eventually let them through to cheers.

Several protesters adopted a clean-cut look for the day, donning suits and ties among other get-ups.

“I am wearing this suit to be taken seriously,” said Timbo Covington of Boon, NC. “If I treat this occupation seriously and with respect, then people will treat me with respect.”

The demonstrations came amid a series of similar protests around the world and country in support of the anti-Wall Street greed movement, some of which turned violent. In Rome, anarchists burned cars, clashed with police and fought other protesters, CNN said.

Some 10,000 converged on Madrid’s Plaza di Cibeles and thousands of others marched through the streets of London protesting service cuts, the report said.


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