Victims Of 405 Bus: It’s Painful, But Bring Gilad Home

Not all victims of Arab terror oppose the release of 1,027 terrorists to bring Gilad Shalit home. In fact, bereaved families from the 1989 terror attack against a number 405 bus traveling on the Jerusalem – Tel Aviv Highway admit their pain upon hearing the terrorist responsible is being released, but some have announced their support for the move to bring Gilad Shalit home. 16 people were murdered in that attack in which the terrorist pulled the steering wheel from the driver, resulting in the bus plummeting down into a ravine.

Uzi Yehoshua, whose sister Esther Naim and her husband Yitzchak were among the victims, told reporters that this is extremely painful for him, but nonetheless, despite the feeling of being stabbed in the heart, after five years in captivity Gilad must be brought home to his family. The deal he explains will bring and end to the suffering of the Shalit family.

He added however there is no real significance to statements that the terrorist would be exiled, for this he added is the same as being sent to Gaza. Anyone sent to another country can easily make his way back to Hamas-controlled Gaza, where he can join the battle against Israel. “We are being extorted and the terrorists receive a prize” he added.

At the Dahan home the feeling was a difficult one as well, for Naftali, a brother, was among the victims of the 405 bus. Family members explain that for some of them, they are still working to come to terms with the loss. “On the one hand, we all want to see Gilad returned home to his family’s bosom, but on the other hand, the release of the terrorists, including the man who murdered our brother will result in additional loss of life. The horrible pictures of the attack are playing back as a result of the announced deal. That man murdered 16 people, each representing an entire world. My brother was a wonderful individual, an excellent soldier, and now, the terrorist is returning home.”

“I think our leaders were unable to stand the pressure, unable to continue facing the Shalits. They wanted to put this behind them. It makes no difference if terrorists are exiled or not. He is free and my brother will never return home. It lends to a feeling that we no longer have the power to influence events but on the other side, all that remains is to daven that there will not be additional terrorism in the future and that Gilad should return home normal”.

(Published on 1st Day Chol Hamoed in Eretz Yisrael)

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. These families r”l are NOT in an easy position at all. There is nothing that can bring back the murdered family members, HY”D. There is nothing that can erase the painful loss of life (even though we know it’s all part of H’ goodness)….. it’s still painful!

    BUT…. there is something very important that is missing in the thoughts of “certain” people, PIDYON SHVUYIM! we must do all that is possible to do this huge mitzvah, even if it costs us exorbitant amounts of money, or it cost us in the release of terrorist prisoners, or it cost us in pain that they will walk in the path of freedom and we will never see our loved ones (until Tchiyos Homesim!). NEVERTHELESS, we MUST do it – it is our commandment to do so! We are not the controllers of this world and we don’t make up the rules…… We are here to be Oveid H’ and practice HIS commandments B’simcha (as painful as it may be). If we have an opportunity to practice this mitzvah, we should grab the opportunity…… even though the deal is a terrible one, even though it will teach the terrorist that terrorism pays, and even though it is very very painful to those closely affected. Let us not forget, that HE controls whether they terrorize us or not. WE are not yet worthy of total peace and WE have not yet made tshuva for our aveiros.
    There is a mashal I heard: A man holds a stick and is beating a dog with it. The dog is angry with the stick and tries to bite the stick. The dog doesn’t understand the concept that it is the man who is the one that is controlling the stick. In our case the terrorists represent the stick and the one that controls the stick is H’. Even though we are mad at the terrorist, ultimately it is not them. We all have to make teshuvah and fix the main reason why the 3rd beis Homikdash is still not built – we still haven’t been able to l’taken SINOS CHINOM!!!!!!! WE MUST LOVE ALL JEWS NO MATTER WHAT IS THEIR MINHAGIM OR THEIR RELIGIOUS STATUS. It is getting worse and worse …… sinas chinom is growing more and more with every generation. Pretend you are a father of 7 kinderlach, pretend that 2 of your sons HATE 3 of your other sons and the other 2 are neutral. How would you as a father feel – it would make you devastated. You would do all you can to try to be mechonech your sons to be matzlioch with their middos and to not hate their own brothers. OY!! Rabbosai….. we got lots of work to do…..let’s roll up our sleeves and just start…… let’s make our father happy!!!!!

  2. Elisha, there is actually a limit in Halacha as to how much you are supposed to pay for Pidyon Shvuin. I think there is a mishna in Yevamos that discusses it. The reason is so that the terrorists should not continue to capture our brethren.

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