Hikind Thrilled That City Yanks ‘Tznius Signs’ In Williamsburg

Controversial signs in Yiddish, warning women to step aside when a man is walking down the sidewalk in South Williamsburg, were yanked by city officials today.

A Parks Department spokesperson tells PIX11 News, “It is illegal to nail any sign to a street tree, regardless of the sign’s content. The signage was subsequently removed by Parks employees.”

PIX11 News first told you about the signs appearing up and down Bedford Avenue, last week.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who does not represent the district, said it was offensive and he’s personally glad the signs were taken down. “It was a great story that you brought to everyone’s attention. And the signs are now down. Good job,” said Hikind.

(Source: WPIX)

19 Responses

  1. Why does Hikind think anyone cares what he thinks? Why does he feel the need to get involved in every issue?
    Someone should tell him that this doesn’t involve planting trees in Israel.
    Btw, I’m not a fan of those signs. But the selective enforcement of “illegal” signs by the parks department is telling in itself.

  2. Hikind: Close your yapper. We really don’t care what you think about this. You don’t represent us, you are just some hack we hire to do what we want in the state assembly. Your personal opinions on community issues are very unimportant, and you have zero credentials for us to care about them.

    As it happens, I also find the sign offensive, and it was probably put up by some crazies.

  3. Typically the man should step aside so the woman is not being “cornered” (goyish custom is the man is expected to position himself in such a way as to protect the woman from dangers).

    Who had posted the sign? Was it a joke?

  4. Hiking stepped upon to defen the honor of our righteous women. What does Greenfield have to say a bout this? That is what really matters.

  5. DOV is amazing— these signs cause a bigger chillul hashem than kiddush hashem…
    williamsburg is not a private community – if u have a little private village do what u want – u cant take over a public area…
    same as what goes on in meah sharim and ramat beit shemesh bet

  6. Wider sidewalks anyone?
    It was written in Yiddish, so it cant be that offensive. The only gals who can read that, are frum jewish gals.
    Maybe that it was written in Yiddish is the most offensive thing!

  7. The WPIX report (re-posted above by YWN) is not accurate about the signs saying anyone should move aside for anyone else.

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