Birkas Kohanim On Chol Hamoed Sukkos & More

Birkas Kohanim of chol hamoed Sukkos will take place IY”H on Sunday, 18 Tishrei, at the Kosel as is the annual custom.

Shachris is scheduled for 8:15 and birkas kohanim for shachris will take place at 9:00. Musaf will begin at 9:45 and birkas kohanim for musaf at 10:00.

The chief rabbis, Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar Shlita and Rabbi Yona Yechiel Metzger Shlita and Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, the rav of the Kosel and holy sites, will hold a kabolas panim on Sunday as well, from 10:45-12:00.

Rabbi Amar will host guests on Sunday, 18 Tishrei at the Mughrabi Garden adjacent to the World Center for North African Jewry, 14 King David Street, from 17:00-19:00.

Rabbi Metzger will host guests in the Yeshurun Shul, 44 King George Street, on 18 Tishrei as well, from 17:30-19:00.

The Kotel Tunnels will be open IY”H during chol hamoed. Advanced registration and advanced payment is required.

For more information, one may visit or phone *5958.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Birkas Kohanim of chol hamoed Sukkos will take place IY”H on Sunday, 18 Tishrei, at the Kosel as is the annual custom” Isn’t the annual custom to do it every day?!?

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