Plan Approved For Additional 2,100 Housing Units In Ramat Beit Shemesh

On Tuesday, 13 Tishrei, officials signed the plan for RBS Gimmel 2, calling for an additional 1,800 housing units. Also approved was the plan called Mem 3 for 300 units, marking the final projects for RBS Alef.

According to a report in the daily HaMevaser, during recent years, prior to the current Beit Shemesh administration, which is chareidi, the plan was delayed since City Hall was not in favor of additional building for the chareidi sector. The current mayor however, Rabbi Moshe Abutbul, who is affiliated with Shas, worked with the party’s housing minister to push the plan ahead towards approval, now permitting plans to prepare for announcing construction tenders.

The Housing Ministry appears to be moving expeditiously, planning to begin marketing the new housing units in the next two months.

The 1,800 units are designated for the chareidi tzibur, and units will be limited to 4 and 5 rooms (3 and 4 bedroom units). The master plan also includes public areas and appropriate shopping areas to accommodate the new neighborhood.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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