Bereaved Families: The Deal Is Signed In Blood

Not everyone in Israel is jubilant today, 14 Tishrei, including many victims of Arab terrorism and their loved ones, the many bereaved families whose loved ones have been murdered by the people who will soon be released from an Israeli prison.

Meir Indor, who heads the Almagor terror victims’ organization plans to petition the High Court of Justice against the deal, which he and others feel was signed in blood, too much Jewish blood. Indor asks “where has our sense of morality gone? How many IDF soldiers were injured or killed during efforts to apprehend those terrorists slated for release? We are simply sacrificing the good of the entire nation for a private individual instead of the reverse”.

“When we are told, ‘don’t worry, it will be fine’ by government what are we supposed to believe? Tell this to the 180 Israelis murdered by terrorists released in previous prisoner release deals. Netanyahu went further than Olmert was willing to go. He paid a price that none of his predecessors were willing to pay. Israelis must and should be concerned. when so many murderers are release, returning to their homes, this results in new realities. It delivers a fatal blow to Israel’s deterrence abilities and results in a significant risk to our nation”.

On Tuesday night, as the cabinet was debating the prisoner exchange deal, Bentzi Ben-Shoham, whose sister Limor (27) was murdered in the Jerusalem Moment Café bombing attack on March 9, 2002 arrived at the Prime Minister’s Office. Upon his arrival he told others “they will approve it. This is for certain”. Holding a photo of his sister HY”D, one of 11 murdered in that attack, which also left over 50 wounded, he exclaimed “I am here to shout and scream on behalf of my sister and others, who can no longer do so.

“My sister was murdered by a terrorist released in the last deal. They should never be permitted to see the light of day. They, the victims paid the price and now the terrorists must pay each day of their lives. Why should occur to yet another family? It is indeed a sad day for us”.

Yossi Mendelovitz, whose 13-year-old son Yuval was murdered in the number 37 bus attack in Haifa on March 5, 2003. 17 people were murdered in that attack, which left over 50 wounded. “On the one hand, we are all happy for the Shalits. On the other hand, the State of Israel gave into Hamas and this represents a major failure… Khaled Meshal already announced his battle will continue and we are all away that the next abduction of an IDF soldier is in the works”.

The bereaved family members added that the government has sent a clear message to Hamas, “that terrorism pays”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. I believe the message is that your people are worthless and one Jew is worth thousands of your worthless animals. The israeli’s can’t kill them which is what they should do. They have imprisoned them, but they are only replaced with more animals. So if they can’t extinguish them why give them quality of life care in Israeli prisons. Three meals a day, health care, schooling and the like. They don’t deserve it, they cannot be rehabilitated, and if they can then the time they have already spent under Israeli care should have already had an impact. If they can’t, let them be supported by their own.

    Welcome home Shalit. YOU do deserve to be released and to come home.

  2. How would ANYONE feel if the Roitzchim who killed in cold blood that entire family on Shabbos night in their beds get released in a swap deal????

  3. #2, just to play devils advocate, how would the shalits feel if they knew that their son was prevented from coming home by their own people???? no matter what, someone will lose in this case- either that shalits will lose and their son, who has been held captive fr years, will not come home, or the families of terror victims will lose, and he will come home, and many terrorists will be released to do more harm… not sure which losing side im on, but i also know that the choice is not up to me, and i cant even imagine the pain the shalits must be goint through, and then to have it made worse by having their own people fight against them? i cant even fathom it, so i am just going to keep my mouth shut.

  4. I am so happy that he is coming home. He was imprisoned through no fault of his own. Yosef (#2) – You live today because of his sacrifice.

  5. People there are halachot about this. There is nothing new about jews being held captive, and the Rabbis have paskened long time ago.
    This deal beyong being against halacha, is a chillul H’.

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