The cabinet during the night voted to approve the prisoner release deal that will bring Gilad Shalit home after five years in Hamas captivity. The vote was 26 to 3, with Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Minister Uzi Landau opposing the swap.
7 Responses
so where is he already?
I am eagerly waiting for his actual release, to be able to say Boruch Matir Assurim.
I would love to participate in the first tefillo betzibur that Gilad attends and hear him say Yhei Shmei Rabo Movorach.
When Ariel Sharon was prime minister he succeeded in executing his devastating expulsion plan by using a military tactic, ‘divide and conquer’, not only splitting the country left and right-wing, but also among the frum and right-wing, differences of opinion regarding obeying or disobeying IDF orders.
PM Netanyahu has succeeded as well, bringing the legitimate emotional plight of Noam and Aviva Shalit to the forefront, gaining sympathy, hence support for his prisoner release deal. The deal is nothing less than a tragedy, a catastrophe that will lead to bloodshed and the loss of additional lives.
The government must remember that a captive soldier is a soldier, not a civilian, and when one wears the uniform of the military, one realizes the good of the nation must come before his own personal safety. If that sounds heartless then you are missing the real picture, for trading 1,000 terrorists for Gilad Shalit is heartless, showing a total lack of concern for the other 7.5 million citizens, potential targets for these ruthless individuals about to be set free. This is backed by hard painful facts showing that over 1/3 of released terrorists return to their profession, murder.
The deal will result in more terror, more bloodshed, more attempts to abduct IDF soldiers, as well as having compromised Israel’s deterrence abilities.
To the Shalits, we are happy for you, truly happy, but the prime minister and his cabinet are elected to see the bigger picture, to concern themselves with the welfare of 7.5 million citizens, not a single IDF soldier. To place Gilad ahead of the concerns of the entire military, security agencies, and the future safety of the country was nothing less than apprehensible.
For the PM, it boosts his ratings in the polls, diverts attention from problems at home, and simply creates another smoke screen towards promoting his agenda, one that is not in line with the future of the Am Yisrael, Toras Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael.
Chag Somayach to all
To: #3 Spira…
While you are correct that freeing these savages does pose a very real threat (as well as give chizuk to their ilk), there IS another point to consider.
Aside from the great mitzva of pidyon shevuyim, which may or may not be overridden by the facts mentioned above, consider this…
Is hamas suffering from any lack of numbers of chayas in their ranks? Do they not do missions for a lack of people to carry them out? – I don’t think so. Unfortunately these vermin are available in large numbers. So, if I am correct, and that IS the case, these thousand shratzim will make little, if any, difference in hamas’ future plans, but Gilad WILL be free.
Another side point – we can all be sure that hi-altitude Israeli drones are watching every square inch of Gaza to see where he was held. Once he is in safe hands, I think (I hope) we will see some major military action against these swine.
Our security and lives are ultimately Hashem’s will.
The west Bank is already a hub of terorism anyway with a growing population that is born hating us and ready to kill.
I see this event as a test in Ahavas Yisrael and even if the leaders were wrong… Hashem is in Charge here. Leaving a young soldier to waste his life away in captivity for the “illusion” of security (when we had the chance to return him home) seems more EVIL to me and would also have a negative effect in Army morale! (would you want to fight for an Army that forsakes you or your child?). Im sure Gilad has endured unspeakable tortures and suffering since those beasts are sadistic in nature . After 120 those who voted to get him back will be rewarded (even if it was for the wrong reason).
Rabbi Arieh Levin zt”l once said ” every bullet has an address “…. We must have emmunah and TRUST Hashem.
B”H Gilad’s (and his family’s) prayer of gratitude to Hashem will reach Heaven and bring redemption closer!!! by reminding Hashem of the pain Klal Yisrael has endured waiting for Moshiach.
After all, our collective pain throughout the Generations…has been/is very much like a Mother’s longing for her lost child . Mazal Tov Shalit family!
oops! Ment to write Rabbi *Aryeh* Levine Zt”l
I understand those that are opposed to the deal. My question is to those that are for the deal, (which I subscribe to) why didn’t they do this 5 years ago, when he was captured? Why did he have to suffer all this time if you were going to release these terrorists anyway?