Maran R’ Ovadia Shlita: Doctors Strike Pikuach Nefesh

Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita has warned a strike by the residents serving in government hospitals will result in pikuach nefesh. Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai reports the Gadol HaDor was questioned regarding the walkout of residents from the nation’s government-run hospitals, stating the move will rapidly result in pikuach nefesh.

On Tuesday afternoon, 13 Tishrei the representatives of the residents rejected an offer from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu which would grant a raise in salary to residents willing to commit to continue working for government hospitals only.

The Rav is calling on the government to do what it can towards meeting the demands of the doctors, suggesting it would be worthwhile to find the resources required to bring the strike to an end.

The Rav is quoted as saying there is no point in negotiations at this point based on current realities, but what is really required is making fundamental changes in the system.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The rav’s views are interesting but have no relevance to the legal rights of workers in EY to strike. I don’t believe they have the same type of laws as in the U.S. which prohibit strikes by public sector employees since so much of the economy is under state-ownership.

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