IDF Preparing For 45,000 Visitors To Hebron During Sukkos

Security officials in Hebron are busy preparing for an expected over 45,000 Jewish visitors during Sukkos, the daily HaMevaser reports.

Hundreds of soldiers will be stationed along roads leading to the Holy City as well as inside Hebron, resulting in necessary changes in traffic patterns to accommodate the influx of visitors. Military Police, Israel Police, MDA, and other medical first response organizations are working in unison towards reading themselves for the Yomtov guests.

Major Nir Yogev, the IDF Yehuda Battalion operations officer explains that his goal is to prevent and friction between the Jews and Arabs during the weeklong Yomtov. “A shooting incident can quickly turn into a incident with many casualties” he explained, “and as such, we must be ready for any eventuality”.

Visitors generally come as part of a group, representing a cross-section of Yiddishkheit, and the Hebron community is working to ready itself for the challenge. Hundreds came to Hebron to spend Yom Kippur, and now Sukkos preparations are in full swing.

In addition to visiting the Ma’aras HaMachpela, many guests will take walking tours of the Old City of Hebron, or visit the Kever of Otniel Ben-Knaz.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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