Police Raid Gambling Establishment On Yechezkel Street In Yerushalayim

First reports from Yechezkel Street indicated the raid of a lottery store in the frum neighborhood on Monday night, October 10th, was a mystery. It has been learned that police had evidence pointing to an illegal gambling operation at that location.

When Yassam commando forces entered the store, they instructed everyone present to sit on the ground. The owner of the store was taken into custody along with many or all those present. Reports indicate six people were arrested, including “known chareidi businessmen”.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmulik Ben-Ruby confirmed the raid, calling the establishment an illegal gambling operation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Okay, so presumeably they WERE doing something illegal, and do have to pay the price, – BUT, do they really need the “super-cop” yassam anti-terror unit to close down a bunch of chareidim playing cards?

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