‘Last Chance’ Skywritten Messages Over NYC Not Warning But An Art Project

Cryptic messages written in the sky over lower Manhattan  – part of a kooky art project –  mystified and unnerved New Yorkers Sunday afternoon.

Just after 4 p.m. a plane wrote the words “Last Chance” in the air. The message was preceded by”Lost Our Lease” and followed by “Now Open.”

Some Twitter users thought the “Last Chance” message was a terrorist threat. Others assumed the Wall St. protesters were behind it.

“How to give New Yorkers a heart attack: skywrite ‘LAST CHANCE’ above the city,” tweeted Peter Mele. “Yeah, they’ll love it.”

“The sky says last chance,” another person tweeted. “I’m skipping town.”

The skywriting turned out to be sponsored by Friends of the High Line, the non-profit behind the wildly popular elevated park.

“Obviously people noticed,” Artist Kim Beck, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh who lives part time in New York, said. “Art is supposed to generate a conversation.”

“Call me crazy,” Allie Herzog tweeted, “but I don’t think ominously writing ‘Last Chance’ in smoke over NYC constitutes as ‘art.”

Some New Yorkers panicked.

The public may not have known what the messages meant, but it helped pay for them. The skywriting stunt was supported by city and state public funding, according to the High Line’s website.


5 Responses

  1. I believe There’s a printing error and should read On Saturday at 4pm. Indicating the last chance to do teshuva before the neilah teffilla comes to a close. However as frum jews we know it’s never too late. But don’t wait for the last minute we need Moshiach NOW!!

  2. I saw the plan righting it, I thought to my self, that the man must of been crazy, he has a lot of time & spending his money into the garbage

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