Israel: The Chessed Of Fools

While a growing number of prominent personalities continue calling for the death penalty for the murders of the Fogel family of Itamar HY”D, Israeli soldiers are ordered to protect family members of these heinous individuals while they harvest olive trees surrounding Itamar. Just when one believes one has ‘seen it all’, our sense of morality and sanity are challenged by the policy of fools, namely the government of Israel and senior IDF commanders.

While the world continues to mourn the Fogel family, family members of the murderers are busy harvesting their olive trees only meters from the site of the bloodbath, being protected by IDF soldiers. Itamar residents were speechless when they realized members of the Awad family are enjoying IDF protection at the site of the heinous crime in the name of human rights, permitting them to harvest their olive crop.

While settlement leaders have decried the olive picking for years, explaining it serves as a means for terrorists to get close to yishuvim, to observe and photograph, and it appears that is just what Hakim did last year as he planned to butcher the Fogel family.

Former IDF chief rabbi Brigadier-General Rabbi Avichai Ronsky, who today is rosh yeshiva of the Itamar Hesder Yeshiva expressed outrage, decrying the policy that permits such injustices.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. “While the world continues to mourn the Fogel family, family members of the murderers are busy harvesting their olive trees only meters from the site of the bloodbath, being protected by IDF soldiers” Sorry if this sounds too blunt, but what did the family members of the murderers do?!? They certainly didn’t murder anyone!!!

  2. “but what did the family members of the murderers do?!”

    Lets see: They raised and educated their children to hate Yiden. They instilled in them that Yiden are subhuman (descendants of monkeys and pigs) and and it is a muslim mitzva to slaughter them. And after Fogel family was brutally murdered the family members of murderers went on the streets to celebrate with dances and pass out candies.

    As they say: the rotten apple does not fall far from the rotten tree.
    Wipe the Amolek out before they bread more of them.

  3. what did the family members of the murderers do?

    Shielded the murderers.

    You may even argue that terrorists make up a small minority of the Palestinian population, which is true. But terrorists would be ineffective without the active or passive support and encourangement of the rest of the population. Do you know what, YW fan? Take a census of the Palestinian population. Ask them but one question! The question is: If it were up to them, would they have you live or die, even if they never ever met you and they would stand nothing to gain from your death? IF the overwhelming majority said: Kill YW fan, would yo change the tenor of your comments?

  4. What did they do?

    This wasn’t just two men who decided to kill, it’s a whole religion that tells them to do it.

    The next murderers are out there picking olives.

  5. Editor:
    I hope they do protect the family. All we need is for the price tag lunatics to kill them.
    These price tag lunatics are really making us lose any credibility we had.

    At the same time, I do agree that they should instead bulldoze the whole grove, and get rid of the problem that way.

  6. If you call the above a “Price Tag” then Jewish blood is very cheap. The Arabs will stop terrorism only when they pay extremely high price for the spilled Jewish blood (H.S.)

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