Rabble-Rouser On The Scene: Sharpton To Broadcast Live From ‘Occupy Wall Street’

The Rev. Al Sharpton will broadcast his nationally syndicated radio show from the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York City on Monday, according to reports.

Sharpton will air his show live from Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, where the demonstrations have entered their 24th day, CNN reported. Sharpton’s radio show “Keepin it Real” airs in 30 markets from 1-4 p.m.

According to a press release from Sharpton’s National Action Network, the reverend will air his show from the protesters’ unofficial headquarters “to show that those that are raising issues on Wall Street are as concerned about the economy and that Blacks and Latinos have grave concerns about economic issues and jobs.”

The organizers of the “leaderless resistance movement” have declared Monday “Kids Speak Out” day due to the Columbus Day holiday, CNN reported.

Hundreds of protesters have “occupied” Zuccotti Park where they have been camped out around the clock for over three weeks.

“Even as banks got bailed out, American children have witnessed their parents get tossed out of their homes and lose their jobs. Public school kids have lost arts, music and physical education,” the Occupy Wall Street website said. “Now our kids can see activists take these issues to the streets in a democratic forum at Occupy Wall Street.”

The Occupy Wall Street movement has exploded in recent weeks, starting from one small group of protesters staking out Zuccotti Park to dozens of demonstrations across the country. Unions have also entered the fray, and several politicians have expressed their support of the protests.

And the movement is attracting attention worldwide — Iranian Gen. Masoud Jazayeri on Sunday said the protests are the start of an “American Spring,” the Associated Press reported.

“The failure of the U.S. president to resolve the Wall Street crisis will turn this economic movement into a political and social movement protesting the very structure of the U.S. government,” Jazayeri said accodring to the official IRNA news agency. “A revolution and a comprehensive movement against corruption in the U.S. is in the making. The last phase will be the collapse of the Western capitalist system.”

(Source: Politico)

5 Responses

  1. Well Slim Shady I hope you have your “resist we much!!,” speech loaded into your teleprompter.

    Another one who’s mapayla will be a brocha to the world. Let’s daven that he chokes on his bull horn.

  2. It just goes to show who is supporting this rally. This rally has no credibility, bunch of misguided kids and union members who like to stir things up.

  3. When will the media pick up the point about the headquarters of this protest being owned by mayor bloomberg’s pilegish??? Which would clearly explain how he was able to allude to a protest a week before it happened.

    Bloomberg is evil!

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