Woman Sues Police Dept. After She Was Arrested — & Forced To Listen To Rush Limbaugh

A Texas woman is suing her local police department after she says she was arrested for no reason – and forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh.

In a lawsuit filed last week over the Oct. 4, 2010 incident, Bridgett Nickerson Boyd said her trouble began when she noticed her engine steaming and pulled over to the side of the highway, the Houston Chronicle reported. As she was pulling over, sheriff’s deputy Mark Goad pulled behind her – and then arrested her for driving on the shoulder.

To make a bad day even worse, her heart began racing dangerously fast and she had to go to the hospital, according to the report. Goad followed her there – and then rearrested her once she was treated.

The final straw came when he then put her in the back of his car and cranked up the conservative talk show host – who was making “derogatory comments about black people” all the way to jail, Boyd charged.

All of the charges against her were almost immediately dismissed by a magistrate.

Boyd’s attorney said she tried to get the sheriff’s department to take action – but when they refused, she filed suit alleging defamation, false imprisonment, malicious prosecution, assault and battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

“The taxpayers pay money for crime prevention,” Boyd’s lawyer told the paper. “I don’t think she was committing any crime.”

The talk show king himself got word of the lawsuit and addressed it on his radio show last week, seemingly amused by the whole incident.

“This woman doesn’t know how lucky she is.  What a great opportunity she had, forced to listen.  Derogatory comments about black people?  We don’t make derogatory comments about black people.  We make derogatory comments about liberals,” he said, chuckling.

(Source: NY Daily News)

19 Responses

  1. Rush is one of the very few Oheiv Yisroel’s in the world today. One of the very few nochrim that will stick their neck out to defend Yidden.

    A number of years ago he went to Israel and met Netanyahu, Sharon, Peres, and all the bigshots there. He went with Nachum Segal.

  2. Rush is right.

    Snurdly (his call screener and close friend) is black (I personally spoke with him)

    Typical liberal liar (I wouldn’t be suprised if the cops were right in areesting her, and actually be comended forv letting her go to the hospital)

  3. Toss the frivolous lawsuit!!! She is a liar because Rush doesn’t have any issues with Cushim. GEVALT, Snerdly is the Official Obama Criticizer for a reason!

  4. Why is this news? Who says this model citizen is telling the truth? Besides, Rush doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.

  5. Ignorant public comments like those made by all 6 of these posters only succeed at putting Klal Yisroel in a state of Pikuach Nefesh. Can the moderators have a little more Seichel?

  6. A number of years ago he went to Israel and met Netanyahu, Sharon, Peres, and all the big shots there. He went with Nachum Segal.

    In actuality, he went with Rabbi Nosson Chaim (Nate) Segal, Nachum’s brother. Years ago, Rush always referred to Nate as the official EIB Rabbi.

    Snurdly, James Golden, has been with Rush since day one. When he tried to start his own talk show and failed, Rush immediately rehired him.

  7. I don’t think items such as this should be featured on a site called Yeshiva World News. It’s not news and it’s not relevant to the yeshiva world.
    I bookmarked your site as my news source so I could avoid the trash that appears on the secular world new sites. You debase your name and you debase the fine work you can do when covering news of greater relevance such as Hurricane Irene or Leiby a”h.

  8. the fact that this particular incident made headlines is the most racist act, whos responsible for that? whats the “original source” of this PRECISION story having the ability to make headlines and succeeding? couldnt have picked a more precise city either.

  9. Chanie T: Actually Rush went with 3 people. Both Segal brothers and Malcolm Hoenlein, IIRC.

    And to #11: Just to be safe, I have locked my doors and shuttered my windows. But out of curiosity, can you please explain how Klal Yisroel is in a state of Pikuach Nefesh due to comments 1-6?

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