Wall Street Protestors Take Message To The Village

Roughly a thousand “Occupy Wall Street” protestors marched from Lower Manhattan to Washington Square Park Saturday as they continued to make their case for what they say is a damaged economy caused by corporate greed.

For the past four weeks the group has flooded Zucotti Park, speaking out against a variety of issues, including unemployment and health care to the banking industry.

As of early Saturday evening, there were no reports of any arrests or confrontations with police.

Some who took part in the march say they hope their overall message becomes more defined.

“It’s a little scattered, and there needs to be more of a unified front of what people want, and what they expect to get out of it,” said one protestor.

It’s not clear how long the protestors planned to stay because unlike their current campground downtown, Washington Square Park officially closes to the public at midnight.

Anyone at the park after then could be arrested.

Meantime, the owner of Zucotti Park now says sanitation is becoming a problem because the park has not been properly cleaned since the protests began last month.

He says the park is working with the city to address its condition.

Protestors who spoke with NY1 on Friday say they have no plans to quit.

“It’s taken four weeks for people to realize no we really are this upset, we are serious, this is an actual thing. This isn’t a fluke,” said one protestor.

“About time,” said another. Three weeks people have been here. People just taking notice now. More people coming.”

The New York City Police Department says it will accommodate the protests, as long as no laws are broken.

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly says the protest has already cost taxpayers nearly $2 million in overtime.

(Source: NY1)

7 Responses

  1. Do they oppose bailing out poorly managed corporations?

    Do they oppose corporate welfare (i.e. subsidies for private business that instead of making good products concentrate on have friends in Washington)?

    If so, how are they different than the Tea Party (other than that they tend to be sponsored by the Democrats, whereas most Tea Party types are dissident Republicans). Oh, and the Tea Party is careful not to trash either private or government property in its demonstrations.

  2. When are they going to realize it’s not corporate greed causing their problems, but democrat greed. and democrat president, et al.

  3. All “they” want is to be able to buy food after they finish paying the rent. The economic variance between the social classes closely resembles what it was in 1929. I know Mark and akuperma (also known here as #1 and #2) are not very compassionate but they must realize that if things go the way they do (and according to “foretold” plan) they will be the ones drinking the spiked drinks and asking for bailouts VERY soon.

  4. I walked by the demonstration on Thursday. It is difficult to figure out exactly what it is that “they” want. There were signs about “corporate greed” (is america supposed to become a country of not for profits?), the legalization of marijuana, the withrawel of troops from iraq and afghanistan, there were street performers, folks yelling anti white and anti semitic remarks and people just milling around taking in the sights. Those were the people on the inside of the police barricades reserved for the “protesters”. On the outside were gawkers, tourists with something else to photograh and those who were just trying to get home from work.

  5. Homeless,

    I am all for people WORKING for a living and NOT striving to live off the public. They are a bunch of far leftists who have no life, no job, and no brains!

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