Wheels To Lease & Hatzolah Of Boro Park Team Up To Do Good

Last Sunday, Mrs. Sara Deutch picked up a brand new 2012 Honda Accord from the lot of Wheels To Lease – all for the price of just twenty bucks. No, Wheels To Lease wasn’t running another promotion; Mrs. Deutch was the grand prize winner of the 2011 Hatzolah of Boro Park annual auction. “My twenty dollars went a long way!” Mrs. Deutch said with a laugh, “When I got the call, I thought it was a dream. Who would’ve thought I would win the grand prize!”

Hatzolah of Boro Park, is a branch of Chevra Hatzolah, the largest volunteer ambulance service in the United States that boasts a team of over 1,000 volunteer professional medical emergency care providers that respond to an average of 70,000 calls annually. Hatzalah provides premium quality pre-hospital life saving treatment and transportation absolutely free of charge to anyone who calls, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity. “I’m proud that I won, but even prouder that I won through Hatzolah.” Mrs. Deutch said. “Charity begins at home and you can’t get more local, or more practical, than Hatzolah, they’re right in our backyard.”

The grand prize of the two year lease was donated by Wheels To Lease, the Jewish community’s leading car leasing company. Sol Hershkop, CEO and Founder, has been supporting Hatzolah for nearly twenty years – almost as long as the car leasing company has been around. “I’ve seen Hatzolah’s amazing work on a personal level with my own family,” said Hershkop. “But on a grander scale it is outstanding what Hatzolah has done over the years for the Jewish community. We are proud to help any way we can.”

This commitment to his customers and community easily translates into other charitable channels, as well. The Hershkop Foundation gives out over $100,000 each year in scholarships to help fund Yeshiva educations of dozens of Jewish school children.

Yossi Glick, a representative of Hatzolah of Boro Park is quick to laud Wheels To Lease and Hershkop for his support over the years. “Sol has opened his heart with dedication and commitment to the mission of saving lives. The smile that Sol greets us with and compassion that he shows, is an enormous chizuk [support] for us to continue with our sacred work. Sol we are proud to have you on the Hatzolah Team!”

Wheels To Lease had been serving the Jewish community for over two decades, providing top of the line cars at the best possible prices. With their exceptional customer service, they are proud to call 30,000 families their loyal customers. For more info on Wheels To Lease, visit www.wheelstolease.com or call (718) 871 – 7749.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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