High Court Rejects Kol Isha In The Military Petition

The High Court of Justice on Wednesday (7 Tishrei) rejected a petition seeking the court’s intervention regarding the kol isha matter in the military. The petition was filed by Yoel Glickman, a Shomer Shabbat officers’ training cadet ousted from the program for walking out during a performance of female vocalists.

Court President Justice Dorit Beinish, Justice Eliezer Rivlin and Justice Miriam Naor decided to reject the petition, unwilling to rule on it, explaining the IDF is examining the matter in depth and will establish norms that will be adopted by the military. Hence, they do not see the court’s intervention as being appropriate at this time.

Beinish instructed Glickman to return to the course and succeed in completing it, adding “you are asking us to become involved in IDF regulations, something we are not in the habit of doing… as a rule, we refrain from becoming involved until there are clear IDF directives on a particular matter”, perhaps signaling that once the IDF formulates guidelines pertaining to Kol Isha, a petition would be heard.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Of course not. An army requires all its soldiers to be compatible. That’s why the Israeli army DOES NOT WANT Haredei soldiers. The whining by the hilonim is mere bigotry.

    If the young men want to save the Jews in Eretz Yisrael they should give up on playing soldiers and concentrate on the proven formula for saving Jewish communities: Torah and Mitsvos.

  2. “It is a well known and statistical fact that most Jewish pedophiles were introduced to Kol Isha earlier in their lives. It is a terrible thing that leads to other terrible things such as wife swapping and child abuse, said Dr. Respler (a well known psychologist, marriage therapist and advocate for singles sic.) on her radio show”.

    Wow, I for one did not know that and to think that I just dismissed this out of hand as another crazy chumra.

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