PA Cops Rescue Rachmistrivka Chassidim Near Hebron

A van occupied by a number of Rachmistrivka Chassidim took a wrong turn during the night (Wednesday-to-Thursday, 8 Tishrei) and the driver quickly found himself in a PA (Palestinian Authority) area in the Hebron district. They were lost and uncertain how to proceed, so they continued driving.

At some point, they vehicle was stopped by a PA patrol vehicle, and they explained they were heading to the Machpelah for tefilos and unintentionally entered the PA area. There were in actuality south of Hebron. A PA police vehicle escorted the van to the exit of the area, pointing them in the correct direction, towards the nearby IDF checkpoint.

Baruch Hashem, they were sent on their way without incident.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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