Apple Announces Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs Has Died

Apple announced Wednesday that former Apple CEO Steve Jobs has died.

Jobs stepped down as CEO in August, saying he could no longer handle the job.

In January, Jobs, a pancreatic cancer survivor, took his second medical leave of absence in two years, raising serious questions about his health and the leadership of a company.

Jobs, 55, has been instrumental in turning Apple into the dominant producer of portable music players, a leader in the smart phone business and, with the iPad, the inventor of a new category of modern tablet computers.

He is Apple’s public face, its master showman and its savior since he returned in 1997 after a 12-year hiatus to rescue the company from financial ruin.

Investors in recent years have pinned much of their faith in the company on Jobs himself, sending shares tumbling on every bit of news or rumor of his ailing health.

“Steve’s extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world’s most innovative and valuable technology company,” said Art Levinson, Chairman of Genentech, on behalf of Apple’s Board.

“Steve has made countless contributions to Apple’s success, and he has attracted and inspired Apple’s immensely creative employees and world class executive team. In his new role as Chairman of the Board, Steve will continue to serve Apple with his unique insights, creativity and inspiration.”

(Source: Baltimore Sun)

18 Responses

  1. BDE!!the business world has lost a Gadol like no other. Im not very hopeful about Apple’s upcoming stock activity,especially after a let down at the iphone 4s announcement

  2. I’m not sure why “yeshiva” world would post the news of the death of a person who created the invention of technological devices that are the Biggest yetzer horas today for young boys and bochurim and older people. Maybe it’s time for “yeshiva” world to rethink their hashkofos and consider what’s appropriate to post

  3. To No. 5

    Maybe its time for backward and insular yidden such as yourself to stop and think about the lashon haroh you speak about one of the greatest minds and humanitarians in our generation. Steve Jobs influenced more lives including yidden and goyim for the better, fundamentally changed the way we access information, learn and communicate with one another. No gadol in recent memory can be compared with him. Yes, technology and knowledge can be misused but so can daas torah. You wouldn’t be posting your nareshkeit if it wasn’t for technological innovation. Thank you YWN for bringing us a balanced view of the world while respecting halacha. iu

  4. Technology is potential. Like all potential it can be used for good or bad. He didn’t actually invent any new concepts, he took old concepts and remade them to look sleeker and “cooler,” and thus put them more into the public’s hands.

  5. To #8 sounds like u just became religious so welcome but maybe sign ur name as “gadol hashtusim” it would be more appropriate based on ur “comment” and don’t forget to make “Asher yatzar” the blessing after relieving oneself

  6. Maybe its time for backward and insular yidden such as yourself to stop and think about the lashon haroh you speak about one of the greatest minds and humanitarians in our generation. Steve Jobs influenced more lives including yidden and goyim for the better, fundamentally changed the way we access information, learn and communicate with one another. No gadol in recent memory can be compared with him. End Quote. You seriously just said that no Gadol Batorah can compare to him. If i was within range of you right now i would consider this an eis laasos laShem. you have a fundamentally skewed approach to Hashem and the world. Maybe you have more kavod for him then the Chazon Ish. you make me sick. daven tomorrow night for him to be a meilitz yosher for you.

  7. I recently received a link to a speech Jobs made at Stanford Univ. several years ago from a non religious relative I am trying to be mashpia, and they said listen “really inspiring” It was in a very secular way, he was an orphan who worked hard but achieved unusual success and the way he tells it certainly would have been an opportunity to recognize that those 1 in a million good breaks and good failures that led to further success could only have been brought about by a loving G-d, but he never acknowledges this, at least in that speech, I hope he did before the end.

  8. #5 – Steve Jobs was working on a brain for you so that you can join the ranks of people who think on their own and don’t criticize everything and everyone. I’m so sorry he died before he was able to help you. I’m also sorry for the people (myself included) that have to put up with your narishkeit all day and every day.

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