Obama Slaps Back At Christie’s Jabs

President Obama responded to New Jersey’s pugnacious Republican governor’s criticisms yesterday as Christie plans to reveal his decision on a White House campaign by tomorrow.

“The guy’s thinking about running for president. He’s going to say a lot of stuff, and I think, in Republican primaries, saying nasty stuff about me is probably — polls pretty well,” the president told ABC News.

And in a dig at Christie, Obama said he’s “not sure that folks in New Jersey would necessarily agree with” the governor’s criticism.

“At every step of the way, I have tried to get the Republican Party to work with me on the biggest crisis of our lifetime. And each time we’ve gotten ‘No,’ ” the president said.

The comments were Obama’s first directed at Christie since the governor’s speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California last week, in which Christie won GOP accolades after he mocked the president as a “bystander in the Oval Office.”

While Obama spoke of Christie and the campaign, Christie was “keeping his own counsel,” according to an adviser, as he considers whether to enter the Republican primaries.

Months of saying he would not be a candidate gave way last week to Christie seriously considering a run after overtures from Nancy Reagan, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and former President George W. Bush. He is planning to announce his intentions by tomorrow.


4 Responses

  1. Is Gov. Christie pro Israel/Jewish?
    While we need to beat Obama we don’t need another anti semite in the white house

  2. #1 i dont know if hes pro jew but i can tell you hes definitely pro Muslim. Gov. Christie appointed two muslum judges in N.J since taking office christi himself has a long record of being a Liberal

  3. “At every step of the way I have tried to get the REpublicans to work with me” What an absolute joke! and what an absolute lie!

  4. ANYONE with an ‘R’ after his name could beat Obama. The problem with the governor is that he has too much ‘INO’ after that ‘R,’ which is why I would not have voted for him in a primary.

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