Har HaBayis Police Wanted To Arrest Rosh Yeshiva

Israel Police stationed on Har HaBayis attempted to arrest Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz Shlita, rosh yeshiva of the Maale Adumim Hesder Yeshiva as the rav led his talmidim on the Mount. A student was arrested.

It has become an annual custom for many rabbonim and yeshiva students to visit Har HaBayis during the Aseres Yimei Tshuva, to recite slichos on the site. While the rav was delivering words of chizuk to his talmidim, a message appropriate for the season, two policemen came over and attempted to arrest him. It appears the rav’s words of chizuk and Torah elicited the ire of the Muslim Waqf officials, who shouted at police to arrest the rabbi for daring to teach Torah on the ‘Islamic site’.

Talmidim intervened to protect the 85-year-old rav and to defend his honor and that of a rosh yeshiva. Police decided to let the rav go, arresting a student instead. Attorney Adi Kedar of Honenu is dealing with the case and he managed to have the student released a number of hours later.

Har HaBayis activists expressed outrage over the actions of police and the total disregard for the stature of a prominent rav and rosh yeshiva. They are planning to visit the Holy Site on Chol Hamoed Sukkos in response to the incident and towards sending a clear message to authorities that they will not be deterred from their mission of maintaining a Jewish presence on the holiest site to the Jewish People.

Two years ago on Sukkos, Israeli President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukkah of Maran Hagon Rav Elyashiv Shlita, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har HaBayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har HaBayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. I dont care if this Rosh yeshiva is 85 or 95 he’s a fool and an inciter. What will he say when his provocative actions leads to the injury or death of one of his students or anyone else for that matter?!

    These people are playing with fire as Rav Elyashiv says.

  2. To #1 WIY – Do you plan on asking Rav Rabiovitch Shlita for Mechila for the names you called him? You may follow Rav Elyashiv, but Rav Rabinovitch is a tremendeous Talmid Chacham and is entitled to reach his own Psak Halacha regarding going on the Har Habayis – which he and his talmidim are free to follow. You can disagree with Rav Rabinovitch without resorting to name calling.

    And no, I’m not a Talmid of Rav Rabinovitch, though I have had the privilidge of speaking with him in learning. I’ve also never gone up on the Har Habayis – “Ma Nora Hamakom Hazeh”.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. The only ones playing with fire are those Yidden still living in the Galut. They chose to stay in Europe and most were turned into soap. Now, Hashem in His ultimate mercy has opened the gates of Eretz Yisrael yet hundreds of thousands of frum Yidden remain in Lakewood, Brooklyn and these other shtetls. How will these Yidden say “L’Shana Ha’Ba’ah B’Yerushalayim” at the end of Neilah? Will they lie to HaKadosh Baruch Hu?

    Face the facts and stop living life as a Torah robot! We must show Avinu She’bashamayim that we appreciate the gifts He has bestowed upon us and this includes Har Ha’Bayit… the holiest place in the world! Over 1,000 MAJOR Rabbonim have given their P’sak to dovin there so stop slamming the door in the face of the Geula… stop praying at walls and graves and start thanking Hashem from the place where Am Yisrael stood as they watched the Kohen Gadol!

    G’mar Chatima Tova!

  4. Rav Rabinovitch, aside from being a Rosh Yeshiva and posek, is the author of multiple volumes of teshuvos and multiple other works and has published a comprehensive, 17 volume peirush on the entire Mishneh Torah.

    Is he not allowed to disagree with Rav Elyashiv?

  5. #4, is this where you go to spew your apikorsus? I know that sounds strong, but to claim that living in the secular State of Israel, which just so happens to be located in Eretz HaKodesh, means that you are not living in galus is straight up apikorsus. You are in galus as much as those of us living in other countries.

    Regardless of which psak you follow about the halachic permissability of going onto Har HaBayis, the sakana aspect trumps all. Going there WILL incite the goyim and WILL cause loss of life. There is no heter for that.

  6. If you truly beileve Hashem is true and the Torah is true in a day to day living sense then even if you don’t agree about going to har habayit someone who is in yerushalayim especially the place of our holy bais hamikdash should not ever be told that he cannot study or teach Torah

    Just bc some Muslims don’t like it they are wrong

    My Shul in the old city had a tiny fish tank for tashlich

    Instead I went to the shiloach or mei gichon where it says on it usheavtem mayim bi sasson mi maayanei hayeshua

    Had to surround ourselves with guards just to do be a Jew doing tashlich on rosh hashana in yerushalayim

    You think that’s any different?
    Or any less preposterous

    What do you beileve in?
    What do you stand for

  7. your all a bunch of politicians. dont you think the gadol hador(!!!) knows better then you?? you think you love hashem more?have a closer relationship with him then R elyashiv, that you should start telling R ELYASHIV whats geula and whats not, and what Hashem wants and what he doesnt? How dare you?!?! and to blame european yidden for the tremendous tzarah that happened, calling it their fault? You go turn into soap, your an antisemite, and YOU are stopping the geula.

  8. # 4 wrote :

    How will these Yidden say “L’Shana Ha’Ba’ah B’Yerushalayim” at the end of Neilah? Will they lie to HaKadosh Baruch Hu?

    Who’s lying? You ever heard of Tefilah or a bakasha?

    That is what your’re “asking for at th ened of Neilah “L’Shana Ha’Ba’ah B’Yerushalayim”

    may we be redeemded in our days

  9. Shmuel: And do you really believe the Jews in Israel are protected from being murdered in galus? What sheer nonsense!

  10. Being physically in Golus and spiritually in Golus are not always the same things.

    People in Chutz LeAretz are not physically in Golus, the way that people in New York or Lakewood are, but until the Shechina returns and the Bayis is rebuilt, all of Am Yisrael and the world world is in Golus from Hashem’s presence.

    Also maybe these discussions could use a little less sinas chinam.

    It’s amazing how quick people are to demean talmidei chachamim well above their level and before Yom Kippur.

  11. #8, what makes R Elyoshiv a greater godol than R Rabinovich? Who exactly decided that one of them is the “godol hador”? What authority did they have to make such a decision? I do not recognise him as any such thing, and nor do most yidden.

  12. #1

    I don’t know that one should be calling any Jew such names, let alone a gadol hador. Especially erev Y”K.

    Oy lanu miyom ha Din.

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