Israel: High Court To Hear Core Subjects Appeal

The High Court of Justice today (6 Tishrei) will hear a petition which seeks to compel chareidi mosdos to include ‘core subjects’ in their curriculum. Today’s situation does not compel yeshivos to teach English, math, science or other core subjects as a prerequisite to receiving state funding.

Professor Amnon Rubinstein, a former minister of education and retired MK (Meretz, Shinui) is joined by retired IDF Major-General Elazar Stern in filing the suit. During his tenure as head of the IDF Personnel Branch, the dati leumi major-general tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to bring and end to the hesder yeshivot, insisting the army must be integrated.

The two feel the chareidi students simply do not receive an adequate education, and therefore, they are not armed with the tools to one day enter the job market or integrate into mainstream society.

Last year, the court issued an injunction but now, a nine-justice expanded panel will hear the case. The panel will be headed by the court’s president.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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