Protests Against Wall Street & Joblessness Spread Nationwide

Protests against Wall Street spread across the country Monday as demonstrators marched on Federal Reserve banks and camped out in parks from Los Angeles to Portland, Maine, in a show of anger over the wobbly economy and what they see as corporate greed.

In Manhattan, hundreds of protesters dressed as corporate zombies in white face paint lurched past the New York Stock Exchange clutching fistfuls of fake money. In Chicago, demonstrators pounded drums in the city’s financial district. Others pitched tents or waved protest signs at passing cars in Boston, St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo.

The arrests of 700 protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge over the weekend galvanized a slice of discontented America, from college students worried about their job prospects to middle-age workers who have been recently laid off.

Some protesters likened themselves to the tea party movement — but with a liberal bent — or to the Arab Spring demonstrators who brought down their rulers in the Middle East.

“I’ve felt this way for a long time. I’ve really just kind of been waiting for a movement to come along that I thought would last and have some resonation within the community,” said Steven Harris, a laid-off truck driver in Kansas City.

Harris and about 20 other people were camped out in a park across the street from the Kansas City Federal Reserve building, their site strewn with sleeping bags, clothes and handmade signs. Some passing drivers honked in support.

The Occupy Wall Street protests started on Sept. 17 with a few dozen demonstrators who tried to pitch tents in front of the New York Stock Exchange. Since then, hundreds have set up camp in a park nearby and have become increasingly organized, lining up medical aid and legal help and printing their own newspaper, the Occupied Wall Street Journal.

About 100 demonstrators were arrested on Sept. 24 and some were pepper-sprayed. On Saturday police arrested 700 on charges of disorderly conduct and blocking a public street as they tried to march over the Brooklyn Bridge. Police said they took five more protesters into custody on Monday, though it was unclear whether they had been charged with any crime.

Wiljago Cook, of Oakland, Calif., who joined the New York protest on the first day, said she was shocked by the arrests.

“Exposing police brutality wasn’t even really on my agenda, but my eyes have been opened,” she said. She vowed to stay in New York “as long as it seems useful.”

City bus drivers sued the New York Police Department on Monday for commandeering their buses and making them drive to the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday to pick up detained protesters.

“We’re down with these protesters. We support the notion that rich folk are not paying their fair share,” said Transport Workers Union President John Samuelsen. “Our bus operators are not going to be pressed into service to arrest protesters anywhere.”

The city’s Law Department said the NYPD’s actions were proper.

On Monday, the zombies stayed on the sidewalks as they wound through Manhattan’s financial district chanting, “How to fix the deficit: End the war, tax the rich!” They lurched along with their arms in front of them. Some yelled, “I smell money!”


3 Responses

  1. Questions: how did the (many) out-of-town zombies get to NYC? Who paid for their transportation? Who is paying for their food? etc,.etc.,
    Answer: this NYC group , and others in other cities in the USA, are set-ups from the Obama team dedicated to destroying American ciivil society. This is the truth, sad and shocking as it may be.
    Please read Saul Alinsky’s book for revolution in the USA, which Obama (and Hilary Clinton) learned from – on their own admission. These spoiled brat types are to a large extent without plan or purpose of their own, looking for excitement and a chance to show off to the “media”. Ideally, they should be given a spanking and sent home to their mommies.

  2. 1. We should remember that in the 1920s, the moderates in Germany, of the right and left, both failed miserably, and we ended up with the National Socialists (whose full name sort of explains them best). At least in America, the extremists are fairly nice.

    2. Obama will have trouble getting away from his policies of bailing out big corporations and handing out corporate welfare. A tea party candidate (Cain seems best positioned) running against bailouts and corporate welfare might end up getting support from this new flavor of radicals.

  3. This really is all Obummer’s fault. He is doing his darndest to make America disconted. He wants the same unrest as the arab countries. I’m not really sure why. Should we overthrow him? Not a bad idea!

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