MBD’s Last Album?

Mordechai Ben-David, known more commonly as MBD, is about to release his latest album later this week, titled Kissufim and featuring the Shira Chior. According to MBD, this album will be his last, but he is not retiring from the music world.

According to multiple articles appearing online, MBD explained that with current realities, it simply doesn’t pay to produce new albums, blaming the electronic media. This has taken its toll on individual artists and major production firms alike. MBD explains that most simply do not have the slightest idea as to the expense and process involved in releasing a CD. 

When asked what will happen to the music industry, MBD assured us that when Moshiach arrives, we will merit hearing the levi’im in the Beis HaMikdosh.

MBD’s first album was released in 1973. When asked to what he contributes his success, he responded “Siyata Dishmaya”.

MBD, who is referred to as the “undisputed king of Jewish music”, has released thirty sixth albums. He also starred on more than 30 other albums.

Rabbonim have spoken out many times against the pirating of music, illegal downloads and copying, but unfortunately, this plagues the frum community as well as other sectors. It appears that for many, once one pays for a CD one may feel that one is entitled to do with it as one pleases, but this simply is not so. One mustn’t ignore the implied licensing restrictions. And then there are the many that never buy, and simply search the Internet for their free dose of whatever they seek.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Pirating music is akin to getting on the Williamsburgh-BP bus through the back door with the excuse that the bus is going anyway.

    Permission is granted to use your own moshol.

  2. The alternative to the CD/DVD for distribution is to sell the song over the internet and charge for the download. With proper digital rights management, it might be possible to prevent someone from distributing the song to other people (or moving it from machine to machine). This of course, rules out people who don’t have internet access from buying the music.

    It suggests that music groups are increasingly turning to live concerts as the main source of parnassah which might make it a lot harder for some.

  3. Its always easy to blame illegal downloads.
    I always loved MBD, he had some great albums. A true father of Jewish music but i also stopped buying any CDS of his or others lately. Not because i download or copy music. The jewish Music World has changed.
    I have over 5000 songs on my ipod (most i ripped myself from personally purchased cd, cassettes and records).
    There are many more singers today, and many more songs “moderni”.
    I love the old style music, Abie Rotenberg, Rabbi Sons, Chazzanut, Or Chadash etc
    The modern music doesn’t appeal to me. Nor does the modern MBD.
    Maybe i’m out of line here. But i feel MBD was great with what he did, but can no longer compete with modern Jewish Music. He shouldnt blame the rise in costs and the rise in downloads on the change taking place.

    How many younger kids would listen to Regesh over Yeshiva Boys Choir? Even if they could, would they even bother to download the new MBD?

  4. 2 years ago I met Mutty Katz of JEP and asked him when JEP 6 is coming out. He answered the exact same reply that MBD gave. So many people copied JEP 5, it wasn’t practical to release another album. Ditto for Reb Ben Zion Shenker. However as anyone in the industry knows, no artist with the possible exception of Uncle Moishe, makes money on their CD. Where the real money comes in is from the concert and wedding circuit.

    The legitimate complaint of copyright infringement reminds me of a joke that went around a few years ago. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft was wondering why in the whole land of Israel only one copy of Microsoft Office was sold!☺

    My question is why is it permitted for these artist to take goyish music and add their own lyrics, ie, Yidden, when they in turn are guilty of copyright infringement themselves.

  5. Mechilas kevoidcha reb Mordechai but I think you should adjust. Im sure in the 70s there were people copying also – in addition – it seems like every day there is another album so why dont the other artists have the same issue? Maybe you should release singles and just upload it on youtube and use ad sense to monetorize (mach gelt) the song.
    also, if you sell the download for the song for 2$ or so – nobody will steal it – dont get me wrong though – its totally wrong to steal songs I just dont think the rest of us should suffer for the actions of a few

  6. #4- They can’t use the same music (tune, not words) without paying for it unless the goyish music is already in the public domain (meaning it is more than 100 years old, roughly).

    To all: Given the for most people, the function of a CD is to provide a source for transferring the music to a more usable format (to the hard drive, MP3 player, etc.), it seems the business model has broken down. That means musicians will have to focus on performances, or hope for someone to find a better way to “sell” music. Technology change happens whether we like it or not.

  7. 20 years ago, Dovid Nachman Golding of Suki and Ding fame told me that the real money is in concerts and performances. Tapes are primarily a means of publicity to generate interest in the concerts.
    So what has changed recently?

  8. Let the poor guy retire in pride. He’s a realistic person who’s been around the block more than a few times already. He’s accomplished a tremendous amount in his career. Why does he need the crazy pressure of producing more new stuff? He’s invested enough in his name to enjoy the ride now of being a guest singer here and there!

  9. Mordechai Ben David, Hineini, Neshoma, I’d rather pray than sing, Moshiach is Coming soon, V’chol Maaminim, Memories, Let My People Go, Yerushalayim is Not for sale, Father and son, Double album, Moshiach, MBD Kumzitz,
    Vus Nuch??? Can’t believe there were 36. What am I missing?

  10. akuperma says:
    They can’t use the same music (tune, not words) without paying for it unless the goyish music is already in the public domain (meaning it is more than 100 years old, roughly)

    Genghis Khan the group that composed and performed the german version of “Yidden” is nowhere near 100 years old. The same could be said of “Shir Hashalom” from his 3rd album entitled “Soul” which is a direct rip off of Bobby Vinton’s “My Melody of Love” which was composed in 1974, which he took from a German song composed by Henry Mayer in 1969. Hardly a 100 years ago. You want additional proofs?

    His best recordings were those arranged by Yisroel Lamm.

    Mozart, Beethoven Brahms, Bach and the like are in the public domain.

  11. #9 you are missing:
    MBD sings chasidic nigunim
    Sold Out
    Ich Hub gevart
    Just One Shabbos
    Yerushalayim Our Home
    All Around the Year 1 and 2
    Tomid Besimcha
    Once Upon A Nigun
    We Are One
    Kulom Ahuvim
    Ad Mosai ( Single )
    Chevron ( Single )

    I cant think of any more. I think between you and me we have 27, so I am not sure we are missing 9 solo albums. Can anyone help us out here?

  12. please,let’s be careful, everyone. it’s a fact that using a melody that isn’t in the public domain requires one to pay to use it, while if it is in the public domain, there is no cost to use it. it’s also true that people recognize some melodies MBD used as being clearly too recent to be in the public domain. as the chofetz chaim states, it is permissible to believe facts IF the interpretation can be positive vs loshon hora: HOW does anyone here ‘know’ whether MBD chalila ‘stole’ niggunim? why are we so quick to presume he did wrong rather than right? The obligation of all of us reading this hotzaas shem ra is that we are required to believe MBD purchased and has a legitimate right to re-use the niggunim in question.

  13. 11,
    What makes you think he ripped those off ch’v?! Perhaps he paid for them? Besides there were others – Memories comes to mind where there was a deal with Streisand.

  14. 13 & 14: I’m sure your right, (cough,cough). That is why I didn’t mention “Memories”. I could go into many great details, but I will not, for personal and professional reasons.

  15. Personally, I’m sick of cd’s. Everyone I have becomes scratched and useless within a short period of time.
    Can’t they make em scratch proof?

  16. The issue is NOT only paying for music that was created by others. When someone uses goyish “Genghis Khan” or “Abba” music & tries to pass it off as Jewish, that’s gneivas da’as! Tzlil v’Zemer has done this a number of times, for example.

    Another thing is not giving credit where credit is due. MBD took R. Shlomo Carlebach’s “Tov L’Hodos,” converted it to “V’chol Ma’aminim,” & released it, without any credit to the composer. Ditto to Pirchei NY for R. Shlomo’s “Eilecha.” There are countless others [Chabad’s use of Vizhnitz, Carlebach & Modzitz tunes without recognition]. What happened to “Bshem Omro”?

  17. Discography

    Mordechai Ben David Werdyger Sings Original Chassidic Nigunim (1973)
    Hineni (1974)
    Neshama Soul (1975)
    I’d Rather Pray and Sing (1977)
    Vechol Maminim – Songs of Rosh Hashana (1979)
    Moshiach is Coming Soon (1980)
    Memories (1981)
    Mordechai Ben David Live (1981)
    Ich Hob Gevart (I Have Waited) (1982)
    Just One Shabbos (1983)
    Around the Year Vol. 1 (1984)
    Hold On (1984)
    Let My People Go (1985)
    Jerusalem Not For Sale (1986)
    MBD and Friends (1987)
    Jerusalem Our Home – Lekovod Yom Tov (1988)
    Siman Tov and Keitzad (Singles) (1989)
    The Double Album (1990)
    Solid MBD (1990)
    Moshiach, Moshiach, Moshiach (1992)
    Live in Jerusalem (1989)
    Tomid BeSimcha – Always Happy (1994)
    Special Moments (1994)
    Once Upon a Niggun (1996)
    Chevron Forever (single)(1996)
    Ein Od Milvado (1997)
    The English Collection (1998)
    We Are One (1999)
    Maaminim (2001)
    Kumzits (2003)
    Nachamu Ami (2004)
    Oorah [single] (2005)
    Efshar Letaken (2006)
    Yiddish Collection (2007)
    Anovim Anovim [single] (2008)
    Oorah [single] (2008)
    Levado – Mishpacha [single] (2008)
    Kulam Ahuvim (2009)
    Platinum Collection (2009)
    Kisufim (2011)

    In addition, MBD appears on many albums including:

    JEP Vol. 4 (1979)
    Jerusalem (1983)
    Father & Sons Biglal Avos (1984)
    Torah (1985)
    Simcha (1986)
    Hallel (1987)
    25 Years Of Jewish Music (1988)
    Yeedle – Together (1993)
    3 Generations (1994)
    Yeedle – Laasos Retzon Avicha (1995)
    Best Of The Best 1 (1997)
    Solid Gold Volume 1 (1997)
    Solid Gold Volume 2 (1998)
    Lev Vanefesh II (1998)
    Mona 3 (1998)
    Solid Gold Volume 3 (1999)
    Hamishorririm (1999)
    Ken Burgess – I’ll Never Walk Alone In The Desert (2000)
    All Star Collection (2000)
    The Vocal Version (2001)
    Best Of The Best 2 (2002)
    Yeedle – IV (2002)
    Mona 4 (2003)
    Sheves Achim Shabbos In Mezibuz (2004)
    Ken Burgess – Melech (2005)
    Brand New (2005)
    Shabbos With The Werdygers 1 (2006)
    Yeedle – Lev Echad (2008)
    Hameorerim (2008)
    The 8th Note (2008)
    Shabbos With The Werdygers 2 (2010)
    Lipa Schmeltzer – Meimka Dlipa: From the Depth of My Heart (2010)
    Miami Boys Choir – Light Up the Nights & Greatest Dance Hits (2010)

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