Price Tag Activists Apprehended En Route to Mission

It is now permitted to report that a number of Price Tag activists were apprehended on erev Rosh Hashanah, apparently on the way to carrying out an attack.

A gag order on their arrest was lifted today (5 Tishrei). The three were apprehended by border police operating in the Binyamin Regional Council area of the Shomron. The three are 18, 17, and 16-years-old. They were carrying flammable liquid, spray paint, and other unspecified items which authorities indicate point to the fact they were on their way to another mission.

The suspects were turned over to Shai district police. Officials report they are uncooperative with investigators.

The prosecutor is requesting that they be held without bail and adds an indictment is being filed against them. One can only assume an indictment is based on evidence connecting them to other Price Tag attacks since they are not admitting to any wrongdoing here and they were no carrying weapons, only legal items that could have been used in an illegal fashion.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. YW fan, you are uninformed. “Price tag” refers to a “counter-terror” measure, if you will, to make the arab side pay the price for their terror. Some would call it revenge, in the geder of “an eye for an eye,” a “torching for a torching.”

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