Price Tag Operatives Strike Galilee Area Mosque

A mosque in Tuba el-Zangaria, located near Rosh HaNikra was targeted during the predawn hours today (5 Tishrei), police report. The mosque was set ablaze. Damage to the house of worship is reportedly significant. Graffiti points to the Price Tag operatives, the same people responsible for targeting mosques in Shomron and military equipment in a Beit El regional IDF command base.

Galil district police have moved to heightened alert status following the attack, fearing and angry response from area Muslims.

Area police commander, Roni Atia, views the incident as one with potential of sparking racial tensions in the area, compelling the move to heighten the level of operational preparedness. Atia on Tuesday morning will be meeting with security officials to evaluate the situation.

Sheikh Emanuel el-Haib, a mosque official, told the media he and his colleagues will meet later in the day to decide just how they will respond. He called on his community to remain law-abiding, and instructed residents to cooperate with police investigators as much as possible.

Sheikh Kamil Khatib, a senior official in the Israel Islamic Association’s northern branch, told the media this just confirms the racism that exists against his people and “the current government is responsible for encouraging such hate attacks against Muslims”.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu expressed outrage over the desecration, stating Israelis have the right of worship and freedom of religion, instructing the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) to apprehend those responsible.

Government ministers, President Peres, the chief rabbis and others have publically condemned the attack.

Price Tag operatives according to most assessments include a small number of individuals. The attacks carried out by these people have been condemned by rabbonim and leaders of the communities throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Police recently arrested a resident of Yishuv Eli believed to be a leader in the Price Tag operation. A second suspect was arrested, a resident of Kiryat Arba.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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