VIDEO & PHOTOS: Greenfield Hails Boro Park Hero For Saving Shul From Fire

Councilman David G. Greenfield praised the efforts of an alert Boro Park resident, who rescued a shul from near certain destruction this morning. Mr. Yitzchok Friedman was picking up his car from the Krasna Bais Medrash on 38th Street this morning, when he noticed that smoke was coming from the building.

With no one else around, Mr. Friedman dialed 911 while rushing across the street to Paperific Supermarket, where the owner, Mr. Moshe Friedlander, gave Mr. Friedman a fire extinguisher. They ran together across the street where Mr. Friedman put out the flames, which had engulfed the bima (wooden lectern) and the curtains covering it.  The FDNY & NYPD arrived shortly thereafter and are currently investigating what is believed to be a case of arson but is not believed to be a bias incident.

“This fire could have been a disaster, not just for the shul but for all of 38th street,” said a relieved Councilman Greenfield. “Under normal circumstances, no one would have been around but, Boruch Hashem, this brave citizen, Yitzchok Friedman, noticed the fire, notified the authorities, and acted heroically to put the flames out. Mr. Friedman deserves our community’s gratitude.”

Mr. Friedman told Councilman Greenfield that he drove to the Krasne Beis Medrash before Rosh Hashona to daven there. The Bais Medrash was rented to the Belz Beis Medrash for yomtov services. After yomtov, Mr. Friedman wanted to drive home but noticed a flat tire. Not wanting to ask for help right after yomtov, Mr. Friedman decided to wait until the next morning. It was on his was to pick up the car and repair the flat tire that Mr. Friedman noticed the fire.


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