Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird Delivers Fierce Defense Of Israel At UN

Canada used its United Nations speaking slot Monday to lambaste opponents of Israel as no better than the appeasers who allowed fascism and communism to flourish before the Second World War.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird delivered Canada’s views to the General Assembly in a speech that put meat on the bones of the Harper government’s unflinching support of Israel.

“Just as fascism and communism were the great struggles of previous generations, terrorism is the great struggle of ours. And far too often, the Jewish state is on the front line of our struggle and its people the victims of terror,” says a prepared text of Baird’s remarks.

“Canada will not accept or stay silent while the Jewish state is attacked for defending its territory and its citizens. The Second World War taught us all the tragic price of ‘going along’ just to ‘get along.“’

Baird made no direct mention of the Holocaust in which six million Jews died at the hands of Nazi Germany. But he evoked the era when he quoted Winston Churchill as saying “an appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

Baird reiterated Canada’s opposition to the recent Palestinian bid to secure UN recognition as a state.

The UN Security Council became seized with the matter on Monday for the first time after Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas delivered his own forceful speech advocating the move.

“We supported the aspirations of those peoples who sought for themselves and their countries brighter futures during the Arab Spring that just passed,” said Baird.

“But we will not go along with the unilateral actions of the Palestinian Authority.”

Baird repeated Canada’s call for a negotiated settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians.

The no-holds-barred address also took aim at the UN itself, for allowing despotic regimes to hold memberships on, or occupy the chair of, major committees.

“The greatest enemies of the United Nations are not those who publicly repudiate its actions,” said Baird.

“The greatest enemies of the United Nations are those who quietly undermine its principles and, even worse, by those who sit idly, watching its slow decline.”

Baird backed that argument by citing North Korea’s recent rotating presidency of the UN conference on disarmament, which Canada boycotted, along with Iran’s vice-presidency of the General Assembly and its seat on the commission on population and development.

Baird’s unflinching defence of Israel was another reminder to the Jewish state that it has a friend in Canada.

Last week in New York, Prime Minister Stephen Harper affirmed his support for Israel in a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

And Immigration Minister Jason Kenney told another UN gathering that Israel is being targeted by a “new anti-Semitism” that is “now disguised as anti-American, anti-Western and anti-Israel, but it ultimately espouses the same old hatred and intent.”

Baird said Canada would not “go along with appeasement of the former (Moammar) Gadhafi regime” in Libya. And it has imposed tough new sanctions on Syria because it cannot “go along” with the Assad regimes killing of its own civilians.

Baird also took aim at the UN for past resolutions that have criticized Israel, votes that Canada has boycotted in the Harper era.

“Canada will not go along with a double standard that castigates some UN members for alleged failings while ignoring the notorious abuses of others,” said Baird.

(Source: Globe & Mail)

13 Responses

  1. Canada; the leaders of the Free World. Prime Minister Harper is the world’s greatest, most fearless and moral leader. May he be blessed to continue his impressive and necessary work.

  2. May H”B continue to bless the righteous Gentile’s of Canada’s leadership for their unwavering support of Our Jewish Homeland, Israel.

  3. Wow maybe we should all relocate to Canada!! (now that our healthcare is headed in the same direction as theirs anyway)
    Why can’t the US speak out so strongly and condemn the UN for their corruption.

  4. We owe the Canadian government tremendous hakaras hatov. Unlike Obama whose ‘support’ is two-faced and opportunistic, Canada’s support has been unequivocal even though it has resulted in its isolation in the international arena and the emnity of the liberal establishment in Canada.
    It is a rare but incredibly heartening thing to see a politician such as Prime Minister Harper show such dedication to emes.

    May Hashem bless him with continued clarity and strength.

  5. Standing Tall feeling Proud to be Canadiene! It cheers me up …After I pay all those taxes to live here : )
    DO Send those thank you e-mails folks!!the liberals ,NDP and other goons give the PM a hard time for his TRUE commitment to Justice in the ME.

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