Bloomberg: NYPD Air Power Couldn’t Have Averted 9/11 Attacks

The NYPD’s air strike capability couldn’t have averted the terror attacks on 9/11, Mayor Bloomberg said today.

“It certainly does not mean 9/11 wouldn’t have occurred,” the mayor said following an education conference in midtown. “9/11, there’s been plenty written about whether there were enough telltale signs, and people should have known and nobody listened, and that sort of thing. It’s not my job to rehash history. Our job is to make sure that we stay safe going forward and that we show that the terrorists didn’t win and that New York City is back.”

The mayor discussed the security-sensitive issue — first disclosed by Police Commissioner Ray Kelly on “60 Minutes” — only in generalities and without providing further details of the NYPD’s firepower.

“New York City Police Department has lots of capabilities you don’t know about and you won’t know about them,” Bloomberg said.

“I can’t guarantee that you’re safe forever or perfectly safe. What I can tell you is that in 10 years we seem to have stopped a number — and who knows how many additional that we don’t know about — to have terrorism here, while terrorism did rear its ugly head tragically in other places.”

(Source: NY Post)

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