New York State Thruway Cops Cracking Down On Drivers Using Cell Phones

New York State Thruway drivers are being warned.

“If you use a hand-held cell phone or you’re texting while driving, you should fully expect to receive a ticket,” said Thruway Authority spokeswoman Betsy Feldstein.

Operation Hang Up, which resulted in a thousand tickets during last year’s blitz, is back.

Of course, the problem isn’t just on the Thruway. Capt. Bill Barbera of the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office says motorists don’t understand the risks.

“People are driving with their cell phones in their hands on the steering wheel and they’re taking their eyes off the road. That’s almost the same as driving while intoxicated,” he told WCBS 880 reporter Peter Haskell.

Barbera says texting while driving can be deadly.

(Source: WCBSTV)

5 Responses

  1. Here is a very well done video about the dangers of texting & driving. It should be shown to everyone getting a license. And in all high schools. AND to adults.
    And the rest of us (who don’t text)need to remember to drive EXTRA defensively- because we share the road with people who ARE doing texting, or are compromised by drugs & alchohol.
    My whole life was changed when I was hit by a drunk driver. Not only was I severely injured & my trusty old car totaled, but I realized something important- that I had been making decisions in driving, based in part on trust/assumption that another driver “wouldn’t do …..” because he or she would be endangering themselves also. There are people on the road with no sense of their own danger. Texting behind the wheel shows lack of such appropriate perspective/judgement in the first place. Drugs & alchohol ERASE ALL JUDGEMENT, brains.
    The cops told me that they locked up the guy who hit me in a cruiser, while they helped cut up the car I was in to extract me (actually they thought they probably had a body). He was yelling out the window that they were taking too long, making him late for a party he was going too…. talk about brainless…

  2. The advice I got when I first started riding motorcycles is applicable to all drivers. “Ride as if everyone else on the road is deliberately trying to hit you.”

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