Shelly Silver Suffers His 2nd Political Setback In As Many Weeks

NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has gotten dinged again – this time not by Democratic voters, but by party functionaries.

As noted here previously, anti-Silver insurgents won election as Democratic district leaders in Silver’s territory on Primary Day. They defeated candidates backed by Silver and by numerous well-known Manhattan Democrats.

Then, on Wednesday, it was up to the party’s leaders to fill three judgeships. There were 13 contenders for the slots, including Shalom Hagler, a Silver favorite.

The speaker worked the phones vigorously but got skunked when delegates at the party’s nominating convention denied Hagler votes.

The defeat sent shockwaves through the party.

Two losses within little more than a week add up to a rough time for a politician unaccustomed to failing.

What’s going on here?

(Source: NY Daily News)

9 Responses

  1. Its time for Shelly to lose his Speakership. Best to a Republican; alternatively to a gentile or at least non-Shomer Shabbos who won’t constantly disgrace the Torah.

  2. Merely a guess, and from one who has little or no experience in politics,but may I suggest that HaShem is what is going on? As we approach R”H and look for ways to relate to the day and its meaning, perhaps we should start with the fact He likely doesn’t want us to become Monday morning quarterbacks, or political prognosticators. He wants bitachon, hachna’eh, and heartfelt tefilos. L’shannah tovah to everyone.

  3. Sheldon Silver was the most powerful force with the SS marriage bill. He told Reb Dovid Feinstein,shlita that he can’t get the kosher enforcement bureau back into the budget because he’s working on a very urgent priority matter. It turns out it was the SS marriage bill.

    It’s time to vote him out.

  4. Hope everyone can handle the truth….the very same Agudah FRAUDS who threw Weprin under the bus because of his support for gay marriage, are best friends with Shelly, and have always been his biggest supporters.

    They are the biggest shakranim around, and it’s high-time that the world start to see what Lefkowitz and his ilk are really all about.


  5. “Hope everyone can handle the truth….the very same Agudah FRAUDS who threw Weprin under the bus because of his support for gay marriage, are best friends with Shelly, and have always been his biggest supporters.”

    Neither the Agudah, nor the Orthodox Union, RCA, etc. can endorse ANY candidate. They never do, and this election was no different. Politicians (Hikind, Koch, etc.), shul Rabbonim (pulpit/congregational Rabbis), community activists, bloggers, posters on YWN, YWN themselves, and others did far more to throw Weprin under the bus.

    As for the Agudah being friends with Silver, that is smart. Will they get any of OUR agenda (priorities) pushed threw if we antagonize him. He is the current speaker, and you work with what you have, don’t forget to express gratitude when and as required, and voice discontent in the voting booths.

  6. Shauli in #8 – Did you see the name of the commentator you are taking issue with? It’s Ferd; need I say more? For the non-yiddish speaking crowd a ferd is a horse.

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