Christie Reportedly Re-Considering Run For The White House

New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie is thinking about becoming the new face in the 2012 presidential race, the New York Post reported Saturday.

Christie is considering a run for president, after getting lobbied hard from some of the GOP’s top leaders and money men, according to a well-placed Republican source in direct contact with Christie’s camp.

It would be a dramatic change of heart for the portly, pugnacious pol, who in the past has adamantly denied White House ambitions.

“Huge pressure from high-ranking Republicans and fundraisers” is making Christie consider the possibility, the source said. “He’ll decide this week.”

At a forum this week at New Jersey’s Rider University, Christie even spoke of the calls for him to run, saying some think the current GOP candidates are not answering the public’s appetite for real leadership.

“I think what the country is thirsting for, more than anything else right now, is someone of stature and credibility to tell them that and say, ‘Here’s where I want us to go to deal with this crisis,'” Christie said.

“The fact that nobody yet who’s running for president, in my view, has done that effectively is why you continue to hear people ask [Indiana Gov. Mitch] Daniels if he’ll reconsider and ask me if I’ll reconsider.” reported Friday that senior aides to Christie have been quietly urging his supporters not to commit to Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has been a declared candidate in the GOP field to snag the presidential nomination.

Not everyone is convinced that Christie is ready to jump aboard.

Three people in direct contact with Christie issued concrete denials Friday night, saying he has not changed his mind and is committed to staying out of the race — no matter how weak the field of candidates may be perceived to be.

(Source: MyFoxNY)

10 Responses

  1. I dont think christie would be good for yidden. He has muslim sympothies (he appointed 2 muslim judges) and he doesnt have a good relationship with the frum community.Dont just buy the hype do your own research.

  2. Dont get sucked in to the christie fever hes a big liberal conservative hes doing a good job in N.J he would be a disaster as president just like Romney and Newt and all the other Rino republicans

  3. I will NOT allow the media or the mainstream RINO Republicans to tell me whom to vote for. Gov Krispy Christie may be ‘ok’ in NJ but he is a northeast republican which translates into a RINO. He supports Cap & Tax as well as other liberal policies. Stay in NJ!!!

  4. Approximately 2 months ago, Sean Hannity reported on his show that Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes, who runs Fox News and is Rush’s partner in the EIB Network, met in New Jersey with Gov. Chris Christie and tried for close to 2 1/2 hours to convince him to throw his hat into the race.

  5. Yah, this is the guy that appointed a hard-core muslim to the court, and then wouldn’t even acknowledge it, just ranted at whoever brought it up without answering the question…

    That was the day I satrted hoping he really doesn’t run.

  6. Frankly I would lose a lot of respect for him after being so clear he isn’t running. Secondly if he stays as governor and continues to make nj better…he’d practically be a shoe in in four years if Obama wins or 8 if the republicans do.

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