Hikind Claims Credit For Obama’s Support Of Israel

Assemblyman Dov Hikind argues that Obama’s speech in opposition to U.N. recognition of Palestine was the result of the special election to replace Anthony Weiner.

The following is a quote that Hikind gave to the NY Post:

“I was thinking of issuing a press release claiming credit for the Israel speech. Two weeks ago, the speech would have been different,’’ said Hikind, an Orthodox Jew who backed Turner over Democrat David Weprin — also an Orthodox Jew.

“The speech by President Obama indicated that he read the results of the special election in the 9th Congressional District. Clearly, the election had an effect. The speech leaves little to complain about.’’

It should be noted, that Hikind first crossed party lines to endorse Turner on September 7th, days after many reports (including this one) which stated that the Obama Administration had told the Palestinian Authority that the United States would veto any request made to the UN Security Council to make a Palestinian state. In fact, as early as August 8th, the NY Times stated that the administration would veto any request.

(Source: Dov Gordon – YWN / Brooklyn Politics Blog)

12 Responses

  1. this is the silliest media coverage in the world. Obama never created a policy that isnt GW Bushs policy and everything Obama said in his speech was nothing new. Koch is factually wrong but I don’t think Koch is lysing I just think he has seen his day.

  2. It is well know that whenever American Jews organized protested the treatment of Jews in the former Soviet Union, they would increase their efforts (i.e. more persecution, more torture) exactly as the Gedolim of the time warned. V’hameivin yovin.

  3. Is he also taking credit for Obama’s push to have israel go back to the 1967 Border’s? That shows that he is talking out of both sides of his mouth. Although the US is a staunch supporter of Israel Obama isn’t.

  4. Dov Hikind is first and foremost a politician. What did you expect? It’s supposed to rain through ערב ראש השנה, maybe he will take credit for the nice weather on ראש השנה as well!

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