DNC Chair: Obama Will Win Jewish Vote In 2012

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, predicted Thursday President Barack Obama would win the Jewish vote and her home state of Florida in the 2012 election.

“The natural home for Jewish voters, both domestically in terms of policy and our Israel policy, is the Democratic Party and President Obama as our candidate,” Schultz said on Fox News.

Wasserman Schultz, a Jewish member of Congress, praised the president’s speech Wednesday before the United Nations General Assembly as another example of Obama’s support for America’s Democratic ally.

“Overwhelmingly Jewish voters support President Obama and his policies,” Schultz said. “And the Israeli leadership consistently, before yesterday and including yesterday, have said that President Obama has been an unshakable ally of Israel.”

“Whether you’re an independent, a Democrat or a moderate Republican, Floridians understand that President Obama has been fighting hard to create jobs, to get this economy turned around,” Wasserman Schultz said. “We need to work together and we need the Republicans to stop allowing themselves to be controlled by the extremists and the tea party. That’s why he’ll win Florida.”


10 Responses

  1. Debbie, I hate to break it to you but you are dead on wrong. Maybe some of the hopeless ultra lefists will support him but he has sealed his fate. His two state nonsence is not reality. Next time Obama offers you some of his Kool-Aid, don’t drink it…it’s clouding your judgement.

  2. DEMOCRATIC party chair says Obama will do well – NOT NEWS

    And in any event, define “Jewish”. Jews who observe Shabbos and kashrus have now been shown to have a different voting pattern than persons of Jewish ancestry whose religious observances are clearly untraditional (meaning unorthodox). Wasserman-Schultz is almost invariably correct that Obama will get the majority of the persons on Jewish ancestry (if he doesn’t, it will result in the most lopsided election since 1820). However the majority of non-assimilated (meaning Shomer Shabbos and Shomer Kashrus, i.e., orthodox, i.e. “us”) will probably vote Republican, and since we are more geographically concentrated, our votes will finally matter.

  3. #2 don’t count us non frum Jews out …most people I know who are Jewish and not frum now can’t stand Obama. I for one never liked him and didn’t vote for him and never will. There are hopeless liberals, but I think their numbers are declining. Any Jewish person with any pride in their heritage has to be nuts to give this man another four years. The survival of the Jewish people is linked to the survival of Israel and he has set the stage for a disaster in the Mid-East.

  4. Unfortunately she is right. 95% of Jews in the US vote democrat. She isnt referring to bp and williamsburg, but rather to the vast majority of Jews in the US that are so far to the left its a miracle that they havent fallen over yet.

  5. yungerman1: You can’t rely on the Orthodox vote. During the last presidential election, Obama threw money to the Frum Yidden in Willy B. and he received their votes. When Hillary ran for senate the first time, she threw money into Square Town with the same results. The politicians all know their constituents Achilles heel.

  6. Democratic president Jimmy Carter, friend of Hamas, speechwriter of Yassar Arafat, anti-Semite and anti-Israel, advocates for palestinian state at U.N.
    Democratic president Bill Clinton blames Israel and its Prime Minister Netanyahu for the lack of peace in the Middle-East. Democratic president Obama blasts Israel, equates arab terrorism with legitimate Israeli defensive actions and says the palestinian “cause” is just. And this idiotic, kapos, liberal “Jew” tells us that Obama and the democraps are the natural home for Jewish voters?? She should be committed to a home.

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