Linden Shul Receives Go-Ahead To Build A Mikvah

After years of effort, members of Congregation Anshe Chesed moved closer to constructing a mikva, or ritual bath, to serve their Linden community.

On Sept. 14 Mayor Richard J. Gerbounka and the Linden Planning Board gave their unanimous approval to the Modern Orthodox synagogue’s plan.

The congregation hopes to break ground next spring and to have the mikva up and running by next fall. The plans call for the spa-like pool to be housed in an extension of the synagogue at 1000 Orchard Terrace.

The plan to build the mikva is the latest piece in efforts by the congregation and the national Orthodox Union to attract observant families to the area.

Now comes the next challenge: raising the funds. According to the plans drawn up by Springfield architect Steve Prawer, the mikva will be housed in an extension added to the side of the existing synagogue. Given its location — next to a bicycle store and a busy street — there were a number of issues to iron out. Those were settled with guidance from mikva specialist Rabbi Yirmiyahu Katz of Brooklyn.

The design has a $350,000 price tag.


One Response

  1. When discussing areas outside of Brooklyn, please include the name of the state. Linden is located in Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, as well as New Jersey.

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