President Obama Deserves A ‘Badge Of Honor For Backing Israel, Says Netanyahu

The Israeli leader says President Obama deserves a “badge of honor” for standing up for the Jewish state in his speech Wednesday before the United Nations.

Obama was defying the “automatic majority” that opposes Israel when he called on the Palestinians to delay seeking UN recognition – and threatened to use his veto if they brought the question before the Security Council.

“I think this is a badge of honor and I want to thank you for wearing that badge of honor,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Obama.

Echoing Obama’s remarks to the General Assembly, Netanyahu said the Palestinians’ threatened attempt to take a “short cut” to statehood before there is peace with Israel is doomed to failure.

“We both agree that Palestinians and Israelis should sit down and negotiate,” Netanyahu said. “This is the only way to get a stable and durable peace.”

Obama and Netanyahu have had an often frosty relationship in the past.

Jewish-American organizations also weighed in with praise for Obama.

“In clearly rebuking Palestinian efforts to declare statehood unilaterally through the UN, President Obama could not have made it clearer that he stands with Israel,” the National Jewish Democratic Council said.

(Source: NY Daily News)

11 Responses

  1. But as one comment reads on another issue here, Obama did imply a few times that Israel is also to blame for the lack of progress.

    Even now he couldn’t manage to speak with truth.

  2. Correct me if Im wrong but it seems like with Obama its a Chiddush if he supports Israel and it must be pointed out when he seems to be supporting Israel. If Bush were in the white house now I highly doubt any of this would be going on and I highly doubt that Netanyahu would have to layer on the flattery to thank him for supporting Israel. When Bush was president it seemed so natural for the US to support Israel and for the president to have Israels back. Now its so unclear that it has to be pointed out by Netanyahu (whether he believes it or not) so we should see it that way. It just seems so forced. So unnatural.

  3. 1. In terms of the 2012 election, foreign affairs is irrelevant.

    2. Obama knows that if the UN recognizes a Palestinian state, it will inevitably result in serious sanctions against Israel (for occupying someone else’s country), and Congress will probably refuse to fund the UN, and might support counter-boycotts to support Israel (e.g. if France bans Israeli goods, ban French goods in return). So why pick a fight since in terms of US policy, he knows he’ll lose.

  4. And an ever bigger BADGE OF SHAME for having caused it to happen in the first place by CONSISTENTLY throwning Israel under a bus in order to support his appeasement hashkafa!!

  5. Obama is a two faced……….you cannot believe anything he says. His goal and that of all his arab cousins is to destroy Israel period. He will waltz all over the place but his call for pre 1967 borders say more then all the fancy words he spoke today.

  6. It’s like I said before: He’s just doing it to prove to the Jews how good he really is. But this leopard is not changing any spots!

  7. ““In clearly rebuking Palestinian efforts to declare statehood unilaterally through the UN, President Obama could not have made it clearer that he stands with Israel,” the National Jewish Democratic Council said.”

    At least until he is re-elected, when he will be able to implement his Rev Wright agenda without any fear of retribution.

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