Fire in Viznits During Kabolas Shabbos

A fire erupted in the women’s section of the main Vishnitz Beis Medrash, Ahavas Yisrael in Bnei Brak during kabolas Shabbos this week. Mispallalim reported a “burning smell” upon entering the beis medrash, which was later learned to be from the ezras noshim. It appears the cause were Shabbos candles lit weekly by a woman who is not a member of the Vishnitz tzibur.

A number of mispallalim acted swiftly and Baruch Hashem extinguished the fire before it had a chance to spread, Chadrei Chareidim reports.

Almost one year ago a fire broke out in the Aron Kodesh at the Viznits Shul, and burned 11 Sifrei Torah R”L. A massive Levaya was held, at which an approximate 25,000 people attended.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Why would the Vishnitz allow someone who is not a member of their tzibur to light shabbos candles at their shul every week and nearly burn it down, especially after last year’s fire disaster where fortunately, no one was hurt although several seforim were burned.

  2. And if they wouldn’t let her we would hear about the inequality of men and women and the sinas chinom of the chareidim towards all non-members.

  3. I remeber hearing from my grandfather that this was old vishnitz minhag to light candles in the womens section for those woman are homeless and don’t have where to light and maybe from that zechus they were saved from the fire

  4. #3 how do you know any thing about old vishnitz minhagim and I have relatives in bnei brak who told me there was never such a minhag I just love people like you that decide in which zechus things were or were not saved as your the bal shem tov or somewhone in that status zol zein mit hatzlacha

  5. Who cares whether or not it was an “old Vishnitz Minhag” if the outcome is to burn down the shul. Wasn’t last year’s fire enough warning or do they not care about burning another 2 dozen seforim?? Its not safe and should be stopped.

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