Rav Yisroel Hager Addresses Outrageous Yomtov Rentals

During seudas shlishis this week, HaRav Yisrael Hager Shlita of Viznits spoke of the reality that chassidim generally attempt to travel to be with their Rebbe for Rosh Hashanah and yomim tovim.

He explained that while there is the concept of a Chassidus arranging for hachnasas orchim, this usually falls short of meeting the demand, opening a rental market for the yomim tovim. He decried the outrages rents charged to the orchim. He questioned where the community’s sense of hachnasas orchim is, since too many are simply unable to afford the prices being sought while they simply wish to spend yomtov with the Rebbe.

As such, Rav Hager has announced anyone wishing to rent space for guests must file with the community hachnasas orchim committee, which will set the price.

The move will undoubtedly result in significantly lower rates towards enabling more guests to spend yomtov in Bnei Brak with the Rebbe Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Maybe stay home with the mispacha and avoid the rentals. I can understand going once but on every yom tov? I simply cannot understand this.

  2. First,rather than accepting this meshugaas of leaving the family home and travelling for yom tov (whether to be near the Vishnitz shul, fly to Uman, or wherever, why doesn’t he simply tell his Chassidim STAY HOME with your mishapacha and daven at your own shul on yom tov. Second, how can he dictate what indiviuals charge for rent? The last time I checked, EY is not the old Soviet Union, where rental prices were controlled by neighborhood committees?

  3. First of all, many take their family with them, and certainly the male children. Secondly there is a mitzvah of kabbolas p’nei Rabbo b’regel. Uman? How many of the thousands who go are Bresslover chasidim? How many are well versed in Rav Nachman’s or Rav Nosson’s writings? They should certainly stay home. But to go to your Rav, Rosh Yeshivah, or Rebbe . . . One can, should, and usually does, come home a better husband, a better father, and a better person. Thirdly, is there a better way to instill in our families the lesson of mesorah and the absolute need to have a Rebbe, mashpiah, Rav, manhig, etc.?

  4. 2,3,4,5,&6 most pepole take along their wife and children. and besides the chiyuv of kabalas raboh b’regel there’s a apecial inyun to be rosh hashana by a tzadik. and mister torahyid not torah and not yidd is a correct name for you. to say motzie shem rah on a a whole group of yiden, is against the torah, even if you dodn’t like what they’r doing it does’t become against the torah!

  5. Firstly, this will certainly lead to a decrease in the number of people willing to rent their apartments.
    Secondly, and with all due respect, R’ Yisroel Hager isn’t a Rebbe (yet).

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