Bloomberg Backs Obama’s Israel Policy

Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended the Obama administration’s policy towards Israel, just days after a Republican won a local congressional election in which dissatisfaction with the president’s support for Israel became a campaign issue.

Bloomberg was asked if he has any reservations about the Obama’s Middle East policies during a press conference in Queens on Thursday. The mayor described himself as strongly connected to Israel, and added: “I think there’s nothing the president’s done or said that gives me pause to think he doesn’t understand and feel the same way.”

Bloomberg, who is Jewish, described himself as a “very strong supporter of freedom-loving peoples around the world. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. And, obviously, for religious and cultural reasons I have another connection to Israel.”


2 Responses

  1. Obviously, anyone who disagrees with the conservative Chareidi line on Israel and Obama; who thinks the hardline positions taken by Likud and Ntanyahu are a tragic contributing factor to the current crisis; who sees Netanyahu as Nero fiddling while Rome burns; who sees the UN issue as a Shakesperian trajedy in which Israel has a hand… just an ant-Israeli, maybe antisemitic enemy.

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