Greenfield Opposes Elimination Of 115 Parking Spaces At Nine Story Boro Park Facility

The New York City Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) held a hearing this week on a proposed project that threatens to reduce available parking and increase irritation for residents of Boro Park & Bensonhurst. The developer of the nine story medical facility on the corner of 60th Street and Bay Parkway is asking the BSA for a special permit that would reduce the number of required parking spaces from 235 to 120 inside the proposed medical facility. The nine story facility is slated to be open seven days a week.

Councilman David G. Greenfield attended the hearing on Tuesday and urged the BSA to reject this special permit application because it will make it much more aggravating for residents to find legal parking in an area where parking is already difficult. “It’s a fact of life in that neighborhood that residents need to circle the block several times to find a legal parking spot at any time of the day,” Greenfield explained. “A medical facility by its very nature attracts hundreds of patients at all hours. Many of these patients can only get around by car or ambulance. Taking away parking from a facility like that is reckless. The developer of this facility has a responsibility to relieve the parking problem, not add to it.” 


One Response

  1. That is crazy why build a facility that would only add congestion to the neighborhood and cause excessive problems for their neighbors. That is absolutely greedy.

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