Historic Win For Republican Bob Turner Over David Weprin [UPDATED 12:32AM EST]

According to the AP, Bob Turner has won Anthony Wieners congressional seat. David Weprin has still refused to concede, saying there are still lots of votes to be counted.

The outcome in New York, where Republican Bob Turner prevailed over Democratic Assemblyman David Weprin in former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s old district, was particularly crushing. And Republicans were pointing to it as a rejection of President Barack Obama even before the race was called.

“It was all Obama — not even a thought of anything else,” Turner consultant Steve Goldberg said.

Just after the Associated Press declared Turner the winner, Weprin addressed the crowd at his election night party and refused to concede, then left quickly and sped off in a car without taking questions.

The GOP also cruised as expected to an easy win in Nevada’s Republican-friendly 2nd District.

Republican Mark Amodei led Democrat Kate Marshall by more than 20 points when the Associated Press declared him the winner with less than half of precints reporting.

(Source: Politico)

17 Responses

  1. You know Obama is all shaken up. He is like, what did the Jews just do? Well guess what pres its all over. We had enough with your liberal pro gay party. Tonight we told the democrats to take a long walk on a short plank (bring a towel).

  2. Why should Weprin concede defeat? It was the tsunami, arab spring, earthquakes, hurricanes, European markets falling, Girl Scout cookies…

  3. “Now Weprin can go back to the Yeshiva and learn chumash – starting with the p’sukim about to’eiva.”

    So can Ezra Friedlander.

  4. L”AD (IMHO) the real winner is the new “kingmaker” YWN. Thank you Drudgestein for making such a statement in defense of our values. Rav Miller would be proud.
    What we accomplished:
    1) We showed President Obama that he does have to answer for his actions.
    2) We showed the world that we do not support the re-definition of marriage. We did not overturn it yet but we did “punish” 2 of it’s supporters.
    3) We showed the world that the Jewish vote is not just the Liberal Jewish vote.
    4) We finally got to vote against Sheldon Silver.
    5) Torah values are still our core values.
    G-d bless you all. Thanks again Yeshiva World.

  5. Boruch Hashem. This is a strong statement against an Orthodox politician who lacks the moral compass to understand that no legislative body has the ability to redefine marriage any more than they have the ability to overturn the law of gravity.

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