Disgraced Weiner Shows Up & Votes Weprin

Disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner voted for Democrat David Weprin to replace him in Tuesday’s special election, saying it would be “bad” if the seat went to a Republican for the first time in nearly a century.

Democratic leaders in Washington, acknowledging a surprisingly strong threat from the Republican candidate in the solidly Democratic district of Brooklyn and Queens, said the race will likely be seen as a voter referendum on President Barack Obama’s leadership.

Weiner was among a steady flow of New Yorkers at the polls for the special election to finish out the final year of his term in the U.S. House of Representatives after he resigned amid a scandal.

He showed up alone, wearing jeans and a blazer, stating that he voted for Weprin, adding, “I am confident he’d make an excellent congressman.”

As for the possibility that the Democrats could lose the seat for the first time since the 1920s, Weiner said, “It is always bad when a district goes Republican. All 435 should be Democrat.”

Asked whether it was his fault if the Republicans gain a seat out of the scandal, Weiner said, “If you made a list of 10 fervent defenders of Democratic ideals, I would be on it.”


2 Responses

  1. “It is always bad when a district goes Republican. All 435 should be Democratic.”

    In other words, Weiner is a FASCIST who believes that everything should be controlled by a single party chas v’shalom. What a sick, sick man! We should daven that Hashem cure him of his arrogance.

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