YWN MAILBAG: Only A Few Hours Left For NY-9

Dear Fellow “Orthodox” Yid- I’m sorry to interrupt this beautiful Tuesday.

By now, we all know that there is a special election today in the congressional seat, vacated by Anthony Weiner. As Orthodox Jews, we know that this race is a referendum on Weprin’s wholehearted embrace of the same-gender marriage bill.

When the bill passed a few months ago, every Orthodox Jew (except David Weprin) felt a sense or revulsion and helplessness as this terrible violation to the sanctity of marriage was attacked. I heard someone comment, “we should pick ourselves up and move out of New York State.” (At the end of the day, that person didn’t move). But NOW WE CAN SPEAK OUT!!!

A vote in today’s election for Weprin’s opponent, Bob Turner – who stated that he is against a gay marriage bill – is a sure way to send a message that we as Orthodox Jews uphold the values written clearly in our Torah. A vote for Turner is a loud statement that WEPRIN SHOULD NOT TRAMPLE ON OUR HOLY TORAH.

The Torah refers to gay and lesbian behavior as Toaivah, and is punishable by “skilah” – the most severe of the 4 forms of execution by Beis Din. Please vote today and stand up NOW for Hashem’s honor.

Simcha from Flatbush.


NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN Desk – NYC)

20 Responses

  1. I don’t think we as Frum Yidden appreciate the Toeve picture presented by Yeshiva World. It does not have a place in such a reputable Website.

  2. WOW!!!

    Even IF some people accept (and they shouldn’t) his excuses regarding his pro-toaiyva vote, there is NO excuse for being at a toaiyva parade!
    Did the rabbi who sent out a haskama letter for him see this picture?!?


  3. And make sure to tell whoever would listen that you’re voting for Turner because Weprin is pro-toeiva. Don’t flaunt your support for Israel; pro/anti-Zionism aside, this will only make us look like disloyal bi-nationals. Use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a tremendous kiddush Hashem.

  4. I’m still not certain as to how same-gender marriage “tramples on our Holy Torah.”

    Am I missing something where the legislation said that Jews have to get same-gender married?

  5. #6 Let’s say your right (your not, but let’s assume so), the mere fact that man calling himself an Orthodox Jew can pose for a photo with a man wearing a woman’s dress on a Manhattan street is enough of a reason to crush Weprin today.

  6. 2pence, while most of the mitzvos are only for Jews, there are 7 things that apply to everyone, not only Jews. One of them is arayos, which includes all forbidden relationships. One of these relationships is same-gender relationships.

    We don’t expect the whole world to keep kosher, because the Torah doesn’t require them to. When it comes to homosexuality, however, the Torah does require it for everyone.

  7. Thanks YWN for publishing the photo of the mushcis.

    People get out and VOTE TURNER if you live in NY-9.

    What a chillul hashem this drek is.

  8. #6 – 2pence…

    Toaiyva marriage is just one small step away from the state legislating that Yeshivas, most of whom have at least some degree of state programs, must have a certain percentage of openly toaiyva teachers, and/or must have texts that explain or have stories about same-gender ‘parent’ couples.

    What will the yeshiva world do then?!?

  9. I’m sure we all know why Mr Weprin was able to vote for same gender marriage…because the REPUBLICANS brought it to a vote & passed it, those moral kdoshim that they are! full of hot air! that’s where real outrage should be focused!

  10. If I were American and living in the district, I would vote for Turner. That being said, I wonder if all those condemning Weprin – AND deciding to vote for Turner – so completely have looked at a few things. First, are there any other issues that should inform the decision? Is every Republican policy one that conforms to Torah ideals? Has this standard (marriage issue) been applied to other candidates in other elections? What is the value in sending this message versus the benefits of electing a democrat? Is the vote to PERMIT something we find incompatible with our morals and world view a vote to ENDORSE it? (maybe it is, maybe not, I don’t know. but the question should be asked)?

    The Gemara in Shabbos Daf 10 omud alef also describes who using tefila as a means to avoid torah learning as toeivah. In Parshas Eikev toeivah is used to describe avodah zarah practices in eretz yisroel. In other places it describes financial wrongdoing. In all places, it describes actions which break down society and distance oneself from HKBH.

    Are we treating every thing described as Toeivah in the Torah the same way? If not, why not? As I said, I would vote for Turner if I could, but I wonder at how we as a community reach our decisions.

  11. “lesbian behavior as Toaivah, and is punishable by “skilah” Is that in fact true? If not, it calls the veracity of this entire piece into question.

  12. Since it’s the month of Elul I’m going to be dan Weprin in that picture li’kaf zchus.
    The man is the dress? Obviously that picture was taken on Purim and the man in the dress was coming out of a Purim shpiel that took place in Yeshiva. What about the flag you ask? It’s quite obvious that its part of a Shalach Monos theme. that being said however, I cannot support a man who evidently is in favor of Shaloch Monos themes, I believe it’s gone way out of hand, and I know for a fact that Turner does not indorse themes on Purim. Mr. Turner you’ve earned my vote.

  13. Reply to rt:
    I have to bust your bubble but I just feel I need to clarify your huge mistake. Weprin is an assemblyman. The assembly is controlled by the DEMOCRATS not the republicans. The bill was brought up to vote by the DEMOCRAT controlled assembly. It was led by the DEMOCRAT speaker sheldon silver (who also claims to be an orthodox Jew). It was pushed by the DEMOCRAT governor Cumo. So to blame the republicans is very foolish and misinformed.
    On a side note, with the democrats holding a big majority in the assembly, the bill was clearly going to pass even if weprin voted against it.
    So get your facts straight.

  14. #13–fact is, a bill does not become law if not passed by the REPUBLICAN senate even if everyone in the assembly votes for it; funny thing about facts 🙂

  15. Rt:
    “I’m sure we all know why Mr Weprin was able to vote for same gender marriage…”
    Reply: his ability had NOTHING to do with the REPUBLICANS…..
    I’m commenting on YOUR comment

  16. Rt:
    While you are correct about the senate, your original comment is not. But if we look at the WHOLE picture, more democrats voted FOR it than republicans who voted for it. The governor is DEMOCRAT. If you look at the small picture weprin voted FOR it. Today’s election is only for weprin or turner, NOT the whole democrat or republican party.

  17. Malool- you are correct, my meaning is that his vote would have been completely irrelevant had the republicans not allowed it to be voted on & then passed it; are you hesitant to criticize republicans?

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