TSA: JFK Flight Diverted Over Security Concerns

A flight that originated out of John F. Kennedy Airport was diverted this morning amid security concerns.

Transportation Security Administration officials say US Airways flight 457 bound for Phoenix was forced to land in St. Louis due to suspicious behavior by three passengers.

Officials are not giving specifics on what exactly happened.

The plane landed without incident at Lambert Airport in Phoenix shortly before 8 a.m.

Heightened security remains in place at the nation’s airports following the September 11th anniversary.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. whatever happened with the ppl from that other flight that was escorted by 2 fighter jets on 9/11? we never heard anything after the initial report.

  2. Something’s fishy – Lambert Field is in St. Louis, unless there’s a smaller one with a similar name in AZ; Sky Harbor is the int’l airport in PHX

  3. 2. If the flight was diverted to STL, it would have to land in Lambert unless it landed in the complete waste of money known as Mid-America Airport.

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