Weprin Campaign Claims Republicans Jamming His Phones

The following is a press release from the Weprin Campaign:

At roughly 3:00 a.m. this morning, Bob Turner’s Republican allies sent a mass text message to voters telling them to call the David Weprin for Congress campaign office in a blatant attempt at phone jamming. It appears that the recipients were not willing recipients of the 3:00 a.m. texts. This appears similar to phone jamming done by the New Hampshire Republican Party and a Republican consultant in Virginia in 2002 that resulted in the Republicans going to jail.

“Bob Turner’s Republican allies are pulling dirty tricks in a blatant attempt to steal this election because they are afraid that Democrats’ turnout operation will get voters who want to protect Medicare and Social Security to the polls,” said Elizabeth Kerr, spokeswoman for the Weprin Campaign. “It is outrageous that Bob Turner’s allies would resort to jamming our phones in an effort to prevent our campaign from contacting voters and getting out the message about how radical Bob Turner really is. Republicans participating in phone jamming in the past have landed in jail, and there must be a full investigation into the Republican phone jamming campaign.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Can anyone smell the desperation? You are going down, Weprin! We will politically defeat all who publicly go after Hashem and His Torah!!

  2. DemoRats have the chutzpah to cry when they lose because someone blocked them from ‘stealing’ an election!!!

    I hope the Turner campaign is smart enough to place volunteers in all the senior centers where massive voter fraud occurs. How does that happen? A candidate usually works out some sort of ‘deal’ with the senior center’s owner and guess what, all the votes go to this candidate!
    If and when the Seniors are interviewed after the election many will tell you that they did not vote or were told to vote a certain way or they never saw their absentee ballot or any other illegal activity that may be used. It happens often. Watch out for voter fraud and report it immediately!

  3. I’ve had two very odd calls today alledging to be for Turner, that I have a feeling they may be coming from Weprin supporters. In fact, I contacted YWN about the first one, and also contacted Turner’s campaign office.

  4. Really how come no one I know has received these alleged texts, only Weprins cronies seemed to have received it. Suspicious, huh.

    What about the thousands of fake absentee ballot ballots that arrived that voted for Weprin, like from people who are not registered, dead and not living here anymore

    Getting desperate david, don’t treat us like we’re stupid

  5. Update: Turner spokesman Bill O’Reilly responds:

    “Nonsense. We are busy talking to voters. We have neither the interest nor the inclination to play grade school games. Mr. Weprin must have 25 phone banks working. This sounds more like an election day smokescreen for Weprin campaign mistakes.

    “While we’re on the subject, though, Mr. Weprin might want to explain why a manufactured group calling itself ‘Jews for Jesus for Turner’ is calling into Jewish precincts to suppress Turner support. There is no such group. This is one of the many shenanigans we are dealing with today.”

    Bad move Weprin

  6. Kveens, I got that one also, and reported it to Turner’s campaign. That’s about as low as one can go. I also reported it to YWN, but guess they didn’t have the resouces or inclination to investigate it. The phone number in the caller ID is from Jackson, Missippi

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