Rabbanim Urge Voters To Participate In Ramapo (Monsey) Primary

The attached Kol Koreh and press release were sent to YWN, and have the words “paid by friends of St. Lawrence” on it:

Tuesday marks a phenomenally important day for the Jewish community of Monsey. Rabbanim across Monsey, including Rav Don Ungarischer, Rav Chaim Leibish Rottenberg, Rav Yisroel Hagar, Rav Chaim Flohr, Rav Chaim Yeshuah Halbershtam, Rav Moshe Green; Rav Chiam Shabbos, and over sixty others are urging everyone to make their voices heard in the Democratic Primary Election in Ramapo. The Rabbanim are unanimous in their opinion that members of the community should cast their votes for Christopher P. St. Lawrence for Town Supervisor, and Daniel Friedman and Brendel Logan for Town Council.


Supervisor St. Lawrence and his team have been great friends to the Jewish community, and have always defended Shuls and Yeshivas when they have come under attack. In sharp contrast, Mr. St. Lawrence’s opponent, Robert Rhodes, is the leader of Preserve Ramapo, an organization that has consistently fought against Shuls, Yeshivas, and religious institutions on the grounds of environmental concerns. However, he is not a fan of leasing or selling underused public school buildings to Yeshivas despite the savings it will bring to local budgets, and his website reports with great fanfare negative news against Jews even on issues beyond the environment. There is little doubt that Mr. Rhodes will work to roll back the progress that has been made in the last decade, and will greatly harm our community.

Supervisor St. Lawrence and his team have been longtime friends and supporters of our community and have worked to advance the needs of our community. “They need and deserve the support of every resident, so that they can continue to work on our behalf,” the Rabbanim wrote.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. Of course everyone wants to vote for St. Lawrence. He turns a blind eye to everything any Yeshiva or Steibel does. That’s why Monsey looks the way it does, no one cares about the zoning laws. Look at Skvere, the whole town is a fire trap.
    Of course, we’ll all proud of the Boulders Baseball Stadium. Every taxpayer bought their seat for $1000 or more. Those who actually pay taxes —

  2. Perhaps the rabbonim who publicly support a candidate should review the Malchus Medina regarding tax exempt status how any political agenda is a violation of the IRS tax code and their organization can loose their exempt status as a result

  3. @#1 Monsey looks beutiful!!
    All the bad looking ilegal buldings were build prior to St. Lewrence talking office when one couldn’t build leagaly.

  4. And one more thing, Those people who hate me (or all chasidim) hate you just as much. Show me one yeshivah who didn’t have oposition from Preserve Ramapo while building. Yes I know its an inviromentel hazard….
    When YSV wanted to build a nice beutifull building on ten acers it was still oposed.

  5. @#2, A Rav can legaly andorse political candidates, an org. cannot but the people running it can do so as individuals. So before you jump on the rabonim (from all accros the spectrum if I may add) please check your facts.

  6. torahtotty, check your spelling!!!!

    “… can loose their exempt status …” I believe you meant lose, not loose. Loose means something that’s not tight.

  7. @#8, I’ll be the first one to admit I need to use spellcheck more often but if thats your best argument then I beleive I can rest my case.

  8. Come vote for Rhodes, he will enforce that all taxpayers pay their share of property taxes, not some, as some dont pay because their houses are houses of worships tax exempt, make money of the books, but benefit from others paying for their service. Rav Elyashiv said that it should be everybody chiyuv to pay taxes and so R” Moishe. no shtik played.

  9. deiyezooger…..it a fact that he turns a blind eye to all the things the Jews do which is very nice of him..i am not denying that..but you can not deny the fact that monsey in the last 7 years has gone under some major changes and it does not look as nice as it did back then… he does turn a blind eye to all those chshedish housing on 306..and by Rockland kosher..and now on 59 near Augusta…these are facts…
    now i personally like it because y not let monsey grow and have more Jews..and have a town supervisor that loves us..
    sounds good to me..plus look at the other candidate history and u def. will not vote for him

  10. Its time for yidden to look beyond these simplistic “kol korehs” that encourage block voting and think about the issues from a less parochial perspective. Monsey does look terrible (both older and newer areas) in large part because new mosdos would rather squeeze in the maximum square footage at the expense of innovative design and quality landscaping. New housing developments are built at very high density with square, boxy designs and insufficient park and open space. Residents don’t maintain the landscaping installed by the original builders and the streets are lined with trash cans, cheap swing sets, doubleparked minivans and childrens’ toys. Maybe its time to elect a supervisor who will stand strong against any further worsening of the quality of life in Monsey.

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