Arab MK Warns Of Israel’s Possible Extinction

According to Arab MK (Ra’am – Ta’al) Ibrahim Sarsur, recent events unfolding in the Mideast including the breakdown of ties between Israel and Turkey and the attack against the Israeli Embassy in Cairo should serve as signs for Israel. Sarsur explained these acts are a response to “Israel’s crimes”, pointing a finger of blame at Jerusalem and “its American ally”.

Sarsur warned that Israel’s failure to come to terms with and independent Palestinian state and its constant assaults against Palestinian honor and its people are at the root cause of the events. He mentioned the killing of Egyptians by Israeli security personnel in last month’s terror attack on Route 12, near Eilat as well as the Israel commando raid against the Marmara, in which Turkish citizens were killed.

The Arab MK warned that this is just the beginning and Israel should expect more of the same and the Palestinians are no longer willing to be victimized, adding that while Israel does not accept Palestine, in this Mideast anything is possible, including “a Middle East without Israel”.

Sarsur stressed the region cannot be stabilized without Israel recognizing the aspirations of the Palestinians, using Israel’s position to justify the assault on the embassy in Cairo, stating that while that action was indeed a violation of international law, Israel and the United States must obey international law when it comes to the rights of his people – concluding that Israel is to blame for its violations, which are far worse, pertaining to is occupation of “al-Quds” (Jerusalem).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. There is a granule of truth in his comments. EY is being marginalized in a way that has no precedent since the creation of the medinah in 1948. Even the support of the U.S. and one or two European countries can no longer be taken for granted. EY must find some way to accept the reality of a Palestinian state before the situation spirals completely out of control. Yes, we need to rely on hashem as we always have, but that alone will not assure our survival if confronted with potential attacks from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon as well as Turkey and Iran. The next several weeks could be the most important since the 67 war.

  2. Love the way they always throw ‘international law’ at Israel without ever quoting a single one of them that Israel is allegedly in violation of!!
    Another classic is “Israel’s policies” which supposedly justify every possible type of mitat bet din on their heads…WHICH of Israel’s policies is kept a state secret of course (hey maybe it’s the high price of cottage cheese which the right wing has been maliciously plotting since the creation of the state)

  3. “Yes, we need to rely on hashem as we always have, but that alone will not assure our survival if…”

    Really, Godolhadorah? We must do hishtadlus but if we think that is what our survival depends on, get your burqa ready.

  4. This guy is a member of the Knesset? He should be tried for treason. What Chutzpah! Can you imagine a Jew being a member of any Arab or Persian country’s parliament?

    Can you imagine any Arab country allowing its citizens to make such comments against his own government?

  5. Gadolhadora, allowing an independant Palestine would only make matters worse as they have no intention at stoping at the 67 borders — they want the whole of EY. It is absolutely plain and obvious.

  6. #1 AMEN v AMEN, the words of Tanach and Chazal are unfolding as Israel becomes isolated and hatred by the entire world. A few more twists and turns and the path to the Geulah will be reached.

  7. Whoever thinks that the creation of a Palestinian will solve anything is mistaken, the more we give them the more they perceive it as a weakness and then they only want more, its about time we understand the arab mentality, they only respect power and strength, I don’t ever fear them, they can’t destroy us , I only fear the jewish left wing, they r the ones that could give us problems, the stupid self hating bleeding heart liberals in israel,who agree with a palestiian state. Btw the first to disobey international law were the arabs who didn’t accept the UN partition in 1948 and went to war with israel

  8. Gadolhadorah: In case no one has noticed or has forgotten, there is ALREADY an existing Pa-lesti-nian state. IT’S CALLED GAZA! How quickly we forget how much tears were shed and heartache and misery was experienced with the “handing over” of Gush Katif and it’s surrounding communities. To this day, the residents of those communities have not been able to settle themselves in what was promised to them. Many of them are still jobless and are just scraping by. The Pa-lesti-nians will never be happy no matter how much land we give them. “we give a finger, they want a whole hand” or in this case the whole body – with the notion that Israel should be eliminated from the face of this earth.

    By the way Gadolhadorah – are you Yosef Cohen who converted to be a muslemi (now Yusuf) who left Brooklyn and is now living in a kfar aravi in Israel?

    One more note: What a last name of this MK! Do you all know what Sarsur means in Hebrew??????? Look it up if you don’t – HUH!

  9. May i just remind everone chazon yechezkel which states clearly what will happen to all the nations who believe that they will ultimately destroy Am yisrael

    And I (hashem) will unbridle and entice you(the nations) and lead you up from the utmost parts of the north and bring you upon the mountains of Israel. ב.
    And I will smite the bow out of your left hand and make your arrows fall from your right hand. ג.
    Upon the mountains of Israel shall you fall, you and all your hordes, and the people that are with you; to the birds of prey, to all the winged creatures and the beasts of the field have I given you to be devoured. ד.
    Upon the open field shall you fall, for I have spoken, says the Lord God. ה.
    And I will send fire on Magog and on those who dwell in safety in the islands, and they will know that I am the Lord. ו.
    And I will make known My Holy Name in the midst of My people Israel, and I will no longer cause My Holy Name to be profaned, and the nations will know that I, the Lord, am holy in Israel. ז.
    Behold it is coming, and it will be, says the Lord God: that is the day whereof I have spoken. ח.
    Then the inhabitants of the cities of Israel will go forth and make fires and heat up with the weapons, the bucklers, and the encompassing shields, the bows and the arrows and the handstaves and the spears, and burn them as fires for seven years. ט.
    So that they shall carry no wood from the fields nor cut down any from the forests, for they shall make fires from the weapons. Thus will they spoil those who spoiled them and plunder those who plundered them, says the Lord God. י.
    And it shall come to pass on that day that I will give Gog a place there as a grave in Israel, the valley of them who pass along the east side of the sea, and it will then stop those who pass along. And there shall they bury Gog and all his hordes, and they shall call it the Valley of Hamon Gog [the masses of Gog]. יא.
    And seven months shall the House of Israel be burying them in order to purify the land. יב.
    They will bury all the people of the land, and they will be renowned; it is a day when I will be glorified, says the Lord God.
    hezkel – Ezekiel – Chapter 39

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