Meah Shearim Fanatics Reach New Low: Questioning Why Yoel Zev Went To Chacham Ovadia ‘The Zionist’

It did not take too long for fanatics in Meah Shearim to begin a stir, questioning just why Yoel Zev Goldstein visited HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita following his release from a Japanese prison. They maintain that the Rav heads a Zionist party and as such, visiting him or seeking his bracha is simply unacceptable.

“It is simply unacceptable for a resident of Meah Shearim to visit a Zionist minister and rabbi who represents them. The reason is simply not relevant” they feel, adding they are not interested in the fact that Minister Eli Yishai may have assisted towards obtaining his release. “He is a Zionist and nothing can change this because no one should have turned to them for assistance in the first place. Hashem would have assisted without these impure people” a representative of the fanatic group is quoted by Kikar Shabbat as saying.

On the other hand, there are those in the Meah Shearim camp quoted as saying “What can one do. At times, the Zionists must be relied upon. The Eida Gavaad, HaRav HaGaon Tuvia Weiss has met with minister of public security as well, in connection to the Meah Shearim mom accused of abusing her children. Can one accuse Rabbi Weiss of being a Zionist?”

“While we do not accept government funding, when one must deal with them, then there must be cooperation. Remember, when it comes to preventing an autopsy, we turn to Meir Porush ‘the Zionist’, requesting that he intervene. The fanatics have the luxury of saying what they wish but we, the rabbonim, must carry the burden of making decisions”.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

23 Responses

  1. It is such a shame you allow such propaganda on your website. I don’t remember seeing on your site or kikar Shabbat’s website the name of someone being interviewed. Either the person doesn’t exist or it’s a nobody scared to put his name and nobody should care. That the Israeli website reported something without facts I understand b/c they are irresponsible but for a website like your caliber to report something like this without proper facts???…

  2. Not that I don’t believe that this sentiment exists, but are you not even trying to ascribe this quote to someone? Or to even explain the circumstances where you got this quote? You might as well be making things up as you go along at this point.

  3. OMG!!! We live in SUCH a twisted and sickeningly backwards world today….And you wonder why Moshiach Tzidkeinu has still not come???? Folks, let the sicks ones live in their own midst and let’s move on with life. He’s B”H home safe – the rest doesn’t matter

  4. This website is full of ‘everything’ lot’s of good stuff, but also a whole lot of (dirty) garbage! shame on you! you’re supposed to be the most Frum of them all!

  5. Posting this in the days leading up to the Yomim Noraim is purely ill-advised. These sentiments are not new and don’t need to be renewed.

  6. These people have become totally irrelevant. About 100 years ago a Tzadik created an exclusive society of perushim (as per the Mesilas Yeshorim’s defnition). These people were hand selected to join.

    These perushim eventually had families; the kids were expected to live as perushim, or else the were expelled. Many of those expelled became anti-religious Chilonim whose offspring are still hounding the frum world.

    We are now talking about 3rd or 4th generation people who are born as perushim to parents who were born as perushim. Obvious nonsense, as one has to choose to become a Porush, and it involves years of hard spiritual work. Instead we got people who are fed radical ideas from the cradle. Perushim without elementary skills at being frum; a weird useless combination.

    Proof: perushim – by definition – keep far away from any Aveira. These people have open Sinas Chinam (as per article) and are known to deface stores they don’t like. Nothing the real perushim would ever do.

  7. The demise of these particular anti-zionist thugs is coming soon. Torah Observant residents and tourists are starting to avoid the Meah Shearim, Geulah neighborhoods and the storekeepers are feeling the crunch.

    To have to pay for safety or succumb to absurd rules and regulations in order to stay alive and free from damages, destruction and strikes has gone to far. The yomim tovim visitors will buy their food, esrogim, klei kodesh, sefarim, somewhere else…


    Every organization has a money trail which supplies it adherents with funds for lawyers, living stipend, family expenses, tools for causing havoc, etc. (ex:; The NEW ISRAEL FUND is run by left wing liberal, self-hating Jews and this is their donorship)
    NOW, WHO is funding these fanatics? Where does their financial support originate? In other words, FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL….. there are hints abound so stop the money flow & so will they stop.

  9. @10, I totally agree, it’s not the first time, this website is always making headlines of Machlokos, like a recent headline: ‘More Machlokes ahead of Elul!’, there I posted that you can see the excitement in the headline, I geuss you guys like when there is Machlokes.

  10. I commend YWN for publishing this article.

    These degenerates of our society must be exposed.

    The nerve that every one of the people who commented here, to bash YWN. Your comments give the implication that you somehow, in some twisted way support what these low-lives did.

    There was no greater show of Achdus than Yoel Zev going to Chacham Yosef, who by the way is far greater than anyone currently in the Eida Charedis.

    Yoel Zev went since he has hakoras hatov that Yishai worked very hard on his behalf.

    Shame on all of you, and Kudos to YWN.

    Expose these unemployed lowlife creeps, who are a disgrace to Religious Jews.

  11. Yes, it can be said that the leaders of the so-called Eyda Charedis ARE Zionists. At least the Agudists do not pretend to be followers of the teachings of the Satmar Rav. But these Eyda groups always claim they follow the Satmar Rav but are fully involved with the Zionist state, its institutions and beliefs, wishing to obtain a FRUM MEDINAH.

  12. Hello? Is there anyone out there? I cannot help noticing how many of you are posting objections to this loshen-harah laden story being smeared on a supposedly observant/yeshivish/frum website. When will you finally realize that they just don’t care?
    How many times have you objected and how many times has someone in the editorial staff actually listened? I could count them on my fingers and I don’t need both hands.
    I should cut and paste my editorial premier and place it on every other story printed here to save time for the next “original” blogger and myself.

  13. Sad to say, majority of these post do not realize what takes place in some communities today. Are they to suggest that Neterui Karta is all propganda too??

  14. To all you phonies that are crying “sinas chinam”, Yomim Noiraim” “Machlokes” , shame on you. These Reshaim eiruv rav need to be exposed and publicized. This group is mevazeh a Godol Beyirael on Tisha Baav, borabim !!!! These animals are not Jews. They are merely disguised as Jews. They did nothing to secure the release of Goldstein. Rabbi Nezri and Rabbi bindiger are NOT Neturei Karta. These pigs will burn in hell for eternity

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