Drama At Rachmistrivka Beis Medrash In Yerushalayim; Man With Knife Demands To See Rebbe, Displays Knife

A bit over a month has elapsed since the tragic murder of the Baba Elazar ZATZAL and another incident has already occurred, this time in the Rachmistrivka Beis Medrash in the Gush 80 area of Yerushalayim. B’chasdei Hashem, this case ended with an arrest, not a murder chas v’sholom.

On Monday night a young male arrived at the beis medrash explaining he wished to see the Rebbe Shlita, seeking his advice on an important matter. This was during a time not set aside for the Rebbe to meet with the tzibur.

The Rebbe’s Gabbai R’ Mordechai Asher Kuperman explained this simply was not possible since the Rebbe’s maintains a stringent schedule. The male, described as a young Sephardi threatened the gabbai, that he would stab him, but R’ Kuperman remained firm and began escorting the disgruntled youth outside.

Then, suddenly, he brandished a knife. Police were summoned as the male continued verbally threatening; all the while he was brandishing a knife. Prior to the arrival of police he fled.

A large police force arrived and began searching for the suspect, finding him hiding in the area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Why do they describe the guy as a “young Sephardi”. If he was ashkenazi, you think they would have said a “young ashkenazi”? Something tells me they would NOT!

  2. 7. Unfortunately, the recent murders and suspected attempted murders among religious Jews were all done by Sefardim. I think they should start analyzing what they are doing wrong.

  3. Agree with #7. If you’re already giving such “pertinent” information, I’d like to know the Gabbi’s background. Is he Ashkenaz? Was the assailant wearing a Black Kippa or a Kippa Sruga. Does he hold three hours or seven hours after meat? Oh BTW there was no mention of the demented Levi Aron’s background . Please clarify if he was Ashkenaz. Have a wonderful Elul

  4. The reason they wouldn’t say Ashkenazi is because it would be assumed. Had it been a Chareidi Ashkenazi who murdered Baba Elazar, they definitely would have said so.

  5. #7 and #10
    Considering that this took place at a Chassidishe Rebbe it would have been natural to assume that the man was Ashkenaz. I think that’s pretty obvious and you should stop fishing.

  6. #8….If you are not being sarcastic, you need to get some help with your anti-sephardeshe mindset. Separdim are nearly one-third of the yidden in EY so to blame this on the entire tzibur is like blaming all muslims for the actions of a miniscule number of terrorists

  7. #14. You still have not answered my question. Is Levi Aron Ashkenaz or Sephardi? Why was his background not mentioned? No fishing here, just looking for Emesssss . Kapish.

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