New From Chabad: ‘Rebbe’s Riders’ – A Hasidic Motorcycle Gang

Crown Heights, NY – A tough-looking, leather-clad gang of Hasidic bikers who call themselves “Rebbe’s Riders” are cruising the tri-state area, bringing God’s word to other motorcycle-riding Jews they meet on the road.

The Riders—members of the Brooklyn-based Lubavitch sect—say their love of choppers gives them something in common with Jews who might have strayed onto the Highway to Hell.

“[Some fellow Jews] make comments that what we do is not a Jewish thing. They say, ‘How can you ride bikes as Jews and say it’s for a Jewish purpose?’ ” said Jonah Halper, 30, who founded the Riders.

“If a rabbi walks into a bikers club, he doesn’t exactly fit in. But if he comes riding up on a bike, doors open to him.”

They sport cool colors—T-shirts with a logo of a bearded Hasid wearing a wide-brimmed fedora and sunglasses, à la ZZ Top.

On the road, the Riders get more respect — especially from other bikers.

“No one sees the Rebbe’s Riders and says, ‘Who are you guys?’ ” Halper said. “It’s not like the Crips and Bloods. There’s a certain kind of respect you have for other riders that transcends lifestyle or creed. When we pass a gang on the road, they wave and we wave back.”

The Riders’ moniker was inspired by the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, whose thousands of disciples proselytize around the world.


17 Responses

  1. Wierd! Strange! But not surprising. When a tzibur is leaderless for so long, they will do their own thing no matter how strange and krum.

  2. What is wrong with u? U can’t think out of the box?! Kiruv within the confines of Halacha is obviously going to take forms not eveyone is comfortable with! When did any of u step out of ur comfort zone to do ONE thing for a non frum yid! I’m not endorsing this but kudos to Chabad for going the extra mile and having a good time doing what’s right and spreading simcha! While u sit on an internet (nebach and assur!) And critisize! Some did the same with the tefilin campaign and now everyone does it! I think u guys are jealous…

  3. This is wonderful stuff…..
    Hashem did not create us with a cookie cutter….. We are NOT all the same.
    While we are all obligated in Torah and Mitzvos, there is plenty of room for self-expression, and a healthy release of frustration.
    If we would allow more individuality in our children, maybe fewer of them would be at risk to begin with….

  4. I think some (or all) of you are not thinking this over thoroughly before expressing your opinion. As a result your comment may seem (to someone not being Dan Lekaf Zechus to the extreme) to be narrow minded and biased.

    Nowhere in this article does it say that are violating even a small Issur D’Rabbanan. All they are doing is wearing leather jackets and driving motorcycles. And yes, for the sake of being Matzil Neshamos there are certainly allowances for many heteirim and Kullos. It is Pikuach Nefesh.

    What you should be thinking is something like:

    ” Wow! Here are totally frum men that are going beyond their regular limited lifestyle and adapting new skills in order to spread the word of Hashem! ” or perhaps:

    ” Wow – here are people that used to be bad people like H***’s Angels, and they were Chozer Bitshuva. And now they are converting their former love of motorcycles and the streets into an Avodah for Hashem to try to be Mekarev their former associates. ”

    Keep in mind that especially in the days of Elul, before Yom Hadin (and all the time too) there is a tremendous benefit in judging other Jews favorably. Hashem does Midah K’Negged Midah, and will surely judge us favorably as well. I don’t know about the rest of you who are no doubt Tzaddikim, but I am not, and I need all the help I can get before my big trial.

  5. #5, think out the box? Going on filthy national TV shows portraying yourselves as “Rabbis”, trying to cozy up with the goyim and use their styles all in the name of kiruv? They have no leader to guide them, so anything they conjour up, your ok with? Shame on you. Why should we tolerate everything all in the name of kiruv?

  6. Wooo chill out all you critics. what’s going on here is more than fine. It’s a great form of kiruv, and how dare anyone have the chutzpah to question those who are doing good and accomplishing great things. Just stay right where you are sitting on your rump while you continue to open your fat mouth.

  7. Looking for sinas chinam?

    Look no further than the comments to YWN articles.

    I am as anti-mashichist as anyone (as are MANY Chabadniks) but what on earth have these fellows done to deserve the attacks of so many of you. Is there a halacha against riding a motorcycle? How much kiruv have YOU done?

  8. Hey Riders! Go get em’! Just promise me two things: Never ever compromise on your physical safety and be extra careful not to let your spirituality level ‘ride’ off of a cliff!

  9. Valid critism should not be written off as sinas chinom. Nor should the good deeds performed by some chabad members make everything that other chabad members do automatically not worthy of criticsm. A very large segment of chabad are misled mishichists. The kiruv they do is misleading the people who they are being mekarev-NOT A GOOD THING!! Secondly there is another huge segment of chabad that are “baalay tshuva” yet remain leaderless cult like amoratzim g’murim post their beard growing move to Crown Heights. They are sadly raising children in this “anything goes” environment who number in the thousands globally & THIS TOO IS NOT A GOOD THING!!

  10. I’m a fully Tattooed Harley riding Baal Teshuva I can’t wait to ride with Hassids of the Rebbe. The 7 months I spent in Hadar Hatorah was the smartest thing I ever did. If it wasn’t for Chabad I wouldn’t have the Ahavos Yisroel that I do today. Truthfully, if it wasn’t for Chabad and Gadol’s like Rabbi Avi Weiss and Yosef Kanefsky the frum world would be unbearable. The small minded nonsense that some of you frummer than thous are spewing is truly nauseating. Spend a few days getting spit on and assaulted like Chabadnik’s do every week in the worse neighborhoods just searching for one single Jew to bring back to Hashem. Do it for a day then call me!!!

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